Chapter 25 Bringer of Chaos

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   Ryan couldn't help but smile. Everything was going his way. All he needs to worry about know is Apophis destroying the rest of them, and it'll be over. Him on the other hand, was too winded to do much of anything. Sealing Ryphon and letting Apophis loose takes it's toll on him But it's well worth it, seeing this. Because he knows that he is not yet powerful enough to destroy a universe alone, but a being like Apophis with the body of the perfect host should be able to.

     Apophis held out his hand, and a spear formed, made of the blackest substance that seemed to suck the air from it's surroundingd. All the demigods and magicians looked uneasily to see him move. His motions were slow and confident, unfitting of Percy's robust movements they are a kin to.He still smiled at them as he immediately rushed with full speed, ready to slaughter them all, the spear raised. Of course he went straight for Sadie and Carter, slamming his iron staff down at her with full force. Carter intercepted it, putting his sword up defensively, but he felt the shock of chaos running through his body all at once, and his knees buckeled.

      "Sahb Qawiun," Sadie shouted and he was suddenly pulled back by an invisible force. He did not loose his footing, only sliding across the ground with a smile at her. And the demigods wasted no time to pursue him. But then they saw something weird happen. From him, the world seem to bleed away. Everything changed around him. Jason looked around, seeing no one else around him. Then he looked to Apophis sitting there in Percy's body.

    "First time in the duat?" Apophis said standing. He smiled at Jason. "This should be fun."

    "Not for you," he held out his spears and channeled lightning from the sky, before pointing the two tips to him. "Lightning art; Chain lightning."

     The bolt of lightning bursts through crackling sky, coursed through his body and through his spear, before finally it struck Apophis. He was thrown into a crate and he struggled to get up as electricity coursed through his own system. The duat around them collapsed immediately and he was brought back to the mortal world. Apophis shakily stood, wobbling as he did.

     "What  is wrong with my abilities?" Apophis growled.

     "You are in a novice's body Apophis," Ryan told him. "He doesn't know about duats and all that Egyptian nonsense."

    "I see," He stopped a sudden strike with a sword with his own hand. Hazel was surprised at his reaction, without even looking. She removed the myst around her.

      "Then I'll have to do this a little messier than I wish," He batted her away right into Piper with a single blow. Jason and Leo charged him, but with the wave of his hand a wave of destruction tearing the pavement apart slammed into the two and they were sent flying as well, knocked unconscious. They were almost dumb-founded by the horrific power contained inside Percy. And Apophis could wield it like an expert.

    "There is no time for dillydallying Apophis," Ryan shouted to him. "Ignore them and destroy the world already. You will not last much longer"

     "Not yet," he said darkly. "I want those two to squirm a bit more."

   He gestured towards Carter and Sadie who readied themselves. They had prepared for this moment for a long time now. Sadie shouted another spell and golden chains wrapped around his body. But he did not seem bothered by it and almost the second after the chains burst apart. Sadie looked on in worry.

   "That can not be good," she whispered. "This much chaos . . ."

     "But I can feel it depleting little by little," Carter held up his hopes, thinking out the situation hurriedly as she prepared another spell. "I'll hold him off while you prepare the final one."

    She nodded, and held her hands out in concentration. "Right."

     Ryan looked at this and realized quickly.

    "Apophis," he shouted once again. "They are stalling. They will be erased along with all of creation. Just do it now."
     "Who are you to tell me what to do mortal?" he growled at Ryan.

    Ryan silently cursed. They are going to tire him out. And he's too focused on them to realize it. He only has a few minutes before chaos will fade from Percy's mortal body. Order will make sure of that. And Ryan would have lost. He doesn't have the power now to stop either side.

   He looked over to the Kanes again, them noticed something about the spell Sadie was chanting out now. As Carter continued on, slashing and hacking at Apophis with is khopesh, who got weaker by the second. She was gathering a lot of energy for seemingly a single blow. If Apophis takes on a powerful attack, then it is over.

       He got to his feet, and began towards Sadie as quickly as possible. But his powers were heavily depleted at this point, summoning Apophis from the duat and into Percy's mind. He barely had the power to conjure spells. But he did take out a knife and ran. However, his movements weren't unnoticed at all. Seeing him stand, Annebeth, Maya, Hazel and Frank all surrounded him, weapons free. He growled in frustration, but he could not stop. Hazel almost immediately used the Myst to get ahead and slash at him. He tried to block it with his knife but the large cavalier sword broke his defense easily and nearly cut him in half. He jumped away, but tripped onto his back. He looked to Sadie once again to see her glowing with a faint light. But he could do little as they kept him away. He could only stare angrily as the last word left her mouth. And the glow that encased her seemed to flow directly to Apophis.

     Carter saw this, and then quickly grabbed a hold of Apophis and held him still in an arm lock, holding both hands behind his back. They had prepared for decades for such a thing to happen. And as the glow wrapped itself around Percy's struggling body, Apophis began hissing and roaring loudly. 

    They all looked on as the golden light that had encased Sadie moments ago attached itself directly to Percy's body, and Apophis immediately began shaking violently. Sadie nearly collapsed on the ground, but also looked on as the spell took shape.

     "We've waited for you Apophis," she told him. "The day you return, I, well, we thought will be your last. The last eternal gift to the world. A world without you."

    He gagged as if being hung by the aura. "What. . . have you . . .done to me?"

     "She's using Ma'at to erase you," Ryan shouted in outrage. "Apophis, you fool, you've ruined it haven't you?"

     He tried holding out his hand towards Sadie, but their was no reaction. Carter backed away as Chaos fell on his back, Percy's skin reddening and his turning back to the darker tones it once was. Chaos slowly faded from his body. Ryan watched as the last drops slowly did leave the Plithos he made. Everything along with it. And soon, Apophis no longer had existence. He was gone, taking every bit of chaos that resided within Percy with him as well. They all watched silently at Percy's body as it fell to the ground, smoking.

     Annebeth was the first to move to him. Then Maya. They all ran to see Percy. And they all nearly cried in relief to see him still breathing. His skin red and blistered, but fine nonetheless. And he opened his eyes, to peer at the world in sea green instead of silver. He seemed out of place, and looked around frantically, his mind out of focus from what was in his face, his family and friends.
     "Move out. . . the way," he whispered hoarsely to them. They all looked confused, but allowed him up. Jason pulled him to his feet, and immediately he swung his eyes to Ryan, still on his back. They all didn't move a muscle as Percy limped over to him silently, reaching into his jacket to produce a box. Ryan tried to rise, but Percy wasted not a moment to punch him in the face, knocking him back on the ground. He held his arms down as he took the rusty nail from the old box, and without a moment's hesitation stabbed Percy within the Heart. Maya held her hands in prayer.

     "By the ministry of our Holy lord, may he give you pardon and peace," she whispered. "By the will of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Amen."

Chaos Bringer (Percy Jackson; The God Slayer From Another World)Where stories live. Discover now