I think I got a few ideas.
Good. Hey Dom, five years ago why did you save me from those bullies.
You do stupid things when your in love. Dom says as he walks back to the garage and leaves me with my thoughts... as I sit Letty comes up to me
You really love him. Don't you?
I always have Letty. He's my best friend and my partner in crime. I honestly don't know what I will do with out him
I don't know what he will do without you. I meant what I said when I told you about how he lights up when you walk into a room. Looking back did you think you would be in a relationship with him.
I always wanted to but, I didn't want to ruin our friendship.
What are you going wear on your date.
Don't know yet
Well what ever it is you need to look hot.
Trust me Letty Ortiz I will.
You know... you and Dom would have some amazing kids
It's true girl. They would have your skills and Dom's love for family and both of your love for cars and racing
While yeah. It's crazy to think that Dom could be a father
And you could be married to him with a kid or two running around.
God that would be amazing. I say with a smile
What would you name them.
If Dom and I were to have a boy probably Josh
And if it's a girl?
Letty after my best friend.
Awe girl. If I had a girl I would name it after you as well. She says as she hugs me
¿De verdad crees que Dom me propondría? (Do you really think Dom would propose to me? )
por supuesto que él te ama más que a nada en el universo y si hay una cosa segura es que Dios no lo permita si fueras a morir, estaría justo detrás de ti porque no vería la razón para seguir. (Of course he loves you more than anything in the universe and if there is one thing for certain is that god forbid if you were to die he would be right behind you because he wouldn't see the reason to keep going.)
¿Realmente crees eso? (You really believe that?)
Por supuesto que sí. eres la única chica a la que ha amado. Si no lo hiciera, estaría muy sorprendido. (Of course I do. you're the only girl he's ever loved. If he didn't I would be very surprised.) Letty reply's as I blush madly
Well, I should head on to help out
Ok. I'll go help Mia with lunch.
I'll see if I can find out what he's planning for your guy's date. Letty says
Good luck with that. He won't tell you. I say as I head inside to help Mia...
FanfictionDom, Mia, Letty, Vince and Jean Bracer have been best friends for the past 5 years. All growing up together,as a family. As they grew up Dom relationships with Jean changed... into something bigger then a regular friendship. He began to love her. Je...