CH 4 Dinner with the family

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Ch 4

Sammy POV

Both Alex and Sunny were sleeping so I carried them into our house after I  parked in our garage. I walked in and my mom came instantly out of the kitchen

“Quello che hai preso così tanto tempo, ho fatto il cibo e perché sono dormendo. Hanno bisogno di mangiare. Avete bisogno di mangiare.” (What took you so long, I made food and why are they sleeping. They need to eat. You need to eat.)

“Mamma calmati che si sta per svegliarli” (mommy calm down you are going to wake them), I said this annoyed

“Hanno bisogno di svegliarsi, stiamo mangiando, tua sorella e fratello è venuto due ore fa e non hanno ottenuto di mangiare sia per voi”( They need to wake up, we are eating, your sister and brother came two hours ago and they didn't get to eat either because of you) she said angrily

“Perché non hai mangiato senza di me”(Why didnt you eat without me)  I questioned even though I knew the answer

“Si mangia come una famiglia, si sa che”(We eat as a family, you know that) she yelled

Gosh, Italian mothers love to cook and it is an insult if you don’t eat their food. My mom can be so dramatic. She is a typical Italian mother. Family is so important so apparently we all have to eat together unless it is something extremely important or it has to do with our family business.

Alex and Sunny get up to sit at the table and my other sister and brother walk in. My sister Christina who is 21 years old and my brother Anthony who is 18 years old came to sit at the table. My father Samuel sr. sat down too.

“Why did you come so late Sammy, mom was complaining so much even though Christina and I did not mind eating late.” Anthony asked clearly annoyed

“ because he has a crush on this beautiful girl so we spent the whole day with her.” Alex said

“ No I dont have a crush on her Alex” I  stated

“ Yes you do, plus they are going on a date tomorrow” she announced

Anthony laughed

“ Aww my fratello maggiore(oldest brother), has a crush” Christina said in an awww type of way which made me blush

“Mio figlio è arrossita, chi è questa ragazza, sì, ho intenzione di avere una nuora e nipoti presto”( (my son is blushing, who is this girl, yes I am going to have a daughter in law and  grandkids soon”)

“ Mamma can you stop, I just met her. It is just one date. You aren’t going to have grandkids any time soon and I am not thinking about marriage right now”.

“ma non è mai andato ad un appuntamento vero e proprio con nessuno così lei deve essere speciale e non lo dico, sai che voglio nipotini” (but you never went on a real date with anyone so she must be special and don't say that , you know I want grandkids)

“can we please change the topic”

“Sono d'accordo lo stanno facendo a disagio”( I agree you are making him uncomfortable) my dad said

“No e tutti voi figli meglio iniziano a parlare italiano invece di inglese o sarà dimenticato e io non lo tollereranno”( no and all of you children better start speaking Italian instead of English or you will forgot it and I will not tolerate it)

My mom is so dramatic.  My siblings and I usually speak English without realizing it sometimes  because we are so used to  speaking it with our American friends but she believes when we are home or with Italians we should speak Italian. My mother says we are losing our heritage by speaking like Americans.

“bene, mamma non mi dovrebbe nag di sistemarsi con questa ragazza perché è afroamericano e non sa parlare italiano, anche se ho detto nessun problema in italiano. quindi credo che, dovrete solo aspettare finché non sarò più vecchio di sposarsi e avere figli "( well, mommy you should not nag me about settling down with this girl because she is African American and doesn't know how to speak Italian, even when I said no problem in Italian. so I guess, you will just have to wait until I am older to get married and have kids) I said proudly

Lei può sempre imparare(she can always learn) she said proudly.

I am not even going to comment because my mom always wins at the end. She argues until you give in so I decide it is not even worth it when I know the end result.

Tell us about her, Voglio dire ci dicono di lei( I mean tell us about her) Christina corrected herself.

“Lei è caldo. lei è così divertente troppo. lei era gentile con me e Alex, ma lei totalmente schifo a lanciare il frisbee come Alex. è stato divertente” (She is hot. She is so much fun too. She was kind to me and Alex but she totally sucks at throwing frisbee like Alex. It was hilarious) Sunny said.

I laughed it was hilarious.

“Aveva un bel corpo sottile. La sua bella capelli neri era giù e lungo. La sua bella pelle Carmelo era troppo morire. La sua risata e la voce era così bello e contagioso. Era così divertente e così dolce. I suoi begli occhi marroni accesi quando i sorrisi. ero felice che lei era gentile con Alex e Sunny. Lei è bella dentro e fuori”(She had a beautiful slim body. Her beautiful black hair was down and long. Her beautiful Carmel skin was too die for. Her laugh and voice was so beautiful and contagious. She was so much fun and so sweet . Her beautiful brown eyes lit up when I smiled at her.  I was happy that she was kind to Alex and Sunny. She is beautiful inside and out.) I said

Wow I sound like such a girl

“I am going to make sure she falls in love with you. Tomorrow iI am going to plan your date and dress you.” Christina said  this excited ignoring mama’s comment to speak Italian. I think she is just really happy that I am actually interested in a girl and it just isn't a hookup. She knows how I am a player.

“ okay”



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