Chapter 4 -He Hurt Me, But Now He Wants Me

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Cheyenne's POV-

Good Morning Everyone I yelled once I got up this morning. Also i had a text from my soon to be boyfriend Jacob. I walked around upstairs waking Shawn and Alayshai up , on purpose. I told them we should go to IHop. Soo we did. Best breakfast/lunch ever . but when me and shawn were sitting at the table alone and alayshai went to the restroom. He said to me "Baby. I miss your kiss and hugs. I came here to win you back. But i cant do that with your friend over and you going out all hours of the night." I looked blank and finally replied "Why should i take you back, you use to hit me when things didnt go your way.! (keeping my voice low and trying to hold back tears.) You also cheated on me. I really loved you. and i stil do but im not sure i can be with you. " I could tell he wanted to hit me. But he wasnt going to cause he knew he would get arrested . He tried to reply "Baby , Ill go to-" I cut him off by say "Hey Alayshai. Your finally back" i smiled We ordered and ate . We all laughed and had a great time. Well i acted . I just couldnt stop thinking about what he told me. Then my phone rang. It was my mom. I stood up and told them id be right back. I went outside and talked to my mom . She just wanted to check on me. i went back in and they paid the check and we left. Me and Shawn headed to my house and Alayshai went home. I texted her and told her we should plan a party tonight. When we got home i went up stairs to my room i had my head phones in checking emails. I had to go to work tomorrow morning at the mall. Well Shawn came in my room wraped in just a towel .. He walked over to me and said i looked beautiful without my make up. He started kissing my neck. I told him to stop cause i didnt want to regain feels for him. he just ignored me and kept going . I tried to move i just couldnt . he was holding me down. He even turned the stereo on and the song "Neighbors Know My Name By- Trey Songz" was playing. I missed the "love" we had with each other.. If you get what im saying ;) but i finally got him off of me and i quickly ran out the door with my phone and phone chager. I went to my car and left. I was crying . Jacob called me . i answered "Hello" trying to sound happy so he wouldnt ask whats wrong but he could still tell. "Baby whats wrong?" He asked. I told him "Ill be at your house in 10 mins babe" i arrived and rang the door bell. He had already called alayshai over there. I just collasped in his arm and cried . He got me a glass of hot choclate just like i like. As soon as i was calm enough i told them EVERYTHING. He wanted to beat Shawn up so bad. But i told him not to worry about it . As he was telling me i could stay with him for the night my phone rang. It was... Shawn.. I took a deep breath and answered. He was cussing me out asking me where the hell did i go. I was said i went out for a little and that he shouldnt worry cause im not dating him anyway. Which that only pissed him off more. He said before he hung up" Im leaving you mother-----ing house tonight. but i will be back. and your gunna wish you didnt run off. I will find your ass and you will regret everything out did today. Just watch baby, your mine and you always will be " i just stared at Alayshai and Jacob. I started shaking and hyperventalating.. I cried so hard. I knew he could really hurt me. Or worse than that.. he could even kill me. Jacob just held me and rocked back and forth. I fell asleep in his arms for about 3 hours. I woke up to him, alayshai and chris watching the hangover. I sat up and said "when did chris get here." Alayshai said " i called him." she was interupted by chris "plus im staying here tonight " he quickly said " Anyway as i was saying , i felt all alone watching jacob holding you and i wanted my baby . we've just been watching movies.. But hey yall im hungry, Yall wanna go out and get something." We all laughed at her and said yes. I said" i wanna go to McDonalds so we can eat fast and plus i have no nice clothes" So thats where we went . i was so scared to even leave the house. but i felt safe with Jacob. This time he drove and Chris and Alayshai rode in the back . Jacob held my hand the whole time. When we got there we odered and joked around and about 30 mins later we were all finished. We all went back to Jacobs house but we stoped by my house. Alayshai and i didnt get out . i climbed over the seat and sat with her cause i was scared. Jacob and Chris went to check and see if Shawn left and they locked up for me. Shawn was gone thank god.. but he wasnt gone for long and i knew he would be back. When headed back to Jacobs house. We walked in . And i said "Shoot i shouldve got some clothes for the night here." Jacob smiled " Babe i have sweat pants and a tee-shirt you can wear if you want." I smiled and said "Okaay" Alayshai already had clothes cause she went home to get some clothes while i was sleeping. She didnt want to leave me alone here. So . Alayshai and i went up stairs to the restrooms and changed. I pulled my hair up and walked downstairs. he said i looked beautiful. So we just layed on the couch and watched horror movies with Shai and Chris.. I think i love this boy. This is the best i have felt since...since i dated shawn. The thought of shawn made me scared and sad. but im safe with Jacob. 


Alayshai's POV- 

I feel bad for Chey and i knew that boy was bad news. I cant believe i left him and her alone. Im happy she is here with Jacob. I just want my sister safe. I know Chris and Jacob and everyone of their friends will help protect her.i asked Chey "Do you want to have a party tomorrow.?" She said "yes. We should post it on facebook and twitter it. " We did. and it was a good thing shawn didnt kno chey's facebook or mines . I was excited for the party. I was going to buy everything tomorrow while chey was at work. When she got off her and Jacob were gunna go shopping for outfits. Chey was going to buy my outfit. I cant wait for tomorrow night. Well instead of planning the party that night. Chris and i went upstairs to the game room to play video games. Then not long after that Chey and Jacob joined us. Chey was tired so she went to jacobs room and went to bed. But i wanted to kick Chris and Jacobs behinds at the racing game to prove girls have video game skills to. I won. and they were like we let you win. I just laughed and headed to the guest room to go to bed. I was exhausted. Chris joined me. and we cuddled all night.


Jacobs POV-

I cant believe Shawn. If he ever tries to hurt Cheyenne, i will end up in jail. I also feel that this party is a very bad idea. but it could help her forget about Shawn and what happened today. Im not sure, it can also make it worse. Im going to protect her as much as i can. I walked down stairs and saw Cheyenne sitting at the kitchen table. I walked over to her. I thought you were asleep. she said "i  could so i came downstairs to get some water. I just couldnt be alone" i grabbed her and held her as tight as i could. I whispered "Im here for you baby. You wont be alone anymore" We went back upstairs. I didnt go to sleep till i knew cheyenne was alseep. she looked so beautiful when she slept. I couldnt let anyone hurt her cause then i would feel as if i wasnt there for her. I love this girl. 


Authors note..

Im sorry it took long to post Chapter 4. i havent had internet. hope you like it 

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