Chapter 2

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reck·less (Adj) [ rékləss ] without thought of danger: marked by a lack of thought about danger or other possible undesirable consequences



In unison, two little voices screamed in my ear. I used my pillow to cover my ears. "DUCK AND COVER BLAIKE!" Jessica attempted to shake me awake. Matthew tried to take the pillow off my face but I held tight, there was no way I was sacrificing my sleep on a Saturday. Jessica and Matthew persisted in trying to get me out of bed.

I sat up swiftly and used my pillow to try and swat them away. "Little flies! Go away, little flies!" The twins giggled and ran to find pillows of their own. They returned with a spaceship printed pillowcase and the other with a pink butterfly case.

"Two against one!" Jessica screeched.

"Yeah, two against one. Ha ha!" Matthew repeated Jessica while they attacked me.

"Okay, okay fine! I'm up! I'm up!" I surrendered. Their beating pestered me more than hurt me. I raised my hands in surrender. When they were satisfied with my state of alertness, they hopped off my bed and ran to return their pillows to their room. I flipped the sheets off of my bed, stood up, and stretched.

I dragged my feet downstairs where I could smell pancakes. A saturday tradition, saturday meant pancakes. The smell carried me the rest of the way downstairs and to the kitchen. My mom stood at the sizzling pan, flipping bacon. Another saucepan had hashbrowns cooking.

"What is the special occasion?" I asked, speculating.

"It's Saturday, Saturday means pancakes." My mom didn'nt lift her eyes from the bacon. She moved onto the hashbrowns without looking at me, I rolled my eyes.

"And bacon and hashbrowns?"

"I just felt like adding a little extra to the mix." My mom shrugged her shoulders.

Jessica and Matthew came running down the stairs, shouting as usual. Those two fed off each other so much, I was surprised my eardrums still worked.

"Jessica, Matthew, no more, okay?" My mother's voice turned stern immediately. Jessica and Matthew knew that tone, it meant 'stop it.' And they did, immediately. Mom was not one to be reckoned with.

"When can I eat?" Matthew complained.

"When all the girls have finished," I winked at him. He scrunched his face in protest and I laughed.

"I hate being the only boy, it stinks!" Matthew flailed his arms all the way to the couch and flopped onto the cushions. Jessica and I laughed; we stopped when mom gave us the eye. 'Quit it, now,' it said.

"Alright, time to eat." My mom spoke as she hit the red spatula on the edge of the pan to get little hash brown pieces off. A few pancakes topped off the tower on the plate, and we were set to fill our plates.

Matthew pushed himself to the first plate and turned to smirk at me. I stuck my tongue out at him discreetly, Mom had her back turned to us but I was not taking chances. Jessica struggled with the syrup, tipped the container vertical and drowned her pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns in syrup. I mean, I liked syrup with bacon, but I was a little skeptical about hashbrowns. Matthew ripped his pancakes apart as he tried to put peanut butter on his pancakes. "Let me help out, bud." He handed me the knife, but I had to hold it with two fingers as everything had a film of peanut butter on it. I managed to spread peanut butter on his pancakes then threw the knife in the sink.

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