Chapter 5

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reck·less (Adj) [ rékləss ] without thought of danger: marked by a lack of thought about danger or other possible undesirable consequences


"Quentin, this is rediculous." I fiercely gripped Quentin's hands that were covering my eyes. I tried to find a crack in his fingers to see where we were heading, but no such luck. "Seriously, where are you taking me?" I exclaimed in extreme confusion and worry. My foot collided with an object and I yelped.

"Just wait for a second, we are almost there. There's a step, lift your leg up." I could feel Quentin's chest on my back and it made my heart beat just that little bit faster.

Get over yourself, Blaike.

I hadn't really ever had this feeling before and I didn't like it. I didn't even know how I felt about Quentin. He was bossy and stiff. He was all business and calm and collected constantly. How could this kid have even thought about traveling? I was sure that he was one to follow the rules no matter the consequences.

"Thanks, I couldn't figure that out on my own," I snapped while stepping up.

"Shut it, Blaike." I could practically hear Quentin's eyes rolling. I stuck my tongue out but I doubted that he could see it. We walked forward, turned left, walked straight, turned right then ten steps later, according to Quentin, "We're here here." His hands uncovered my eyes but I had to blink a few times to adjust.

"A map." I spoke simply. When Quentin didn't respond, I turned around to see him pulling out a blue dart from his backpack. "A dart?"

Without speaking, Quentin handed me the dart. I held it in my hand wordlessly. "Throw it." So I threw it, without any idea as to why he wanted me to throw it. The dart spiraled down to the ground near a few vacant chairs. "Not at the chairs, at the map."

"Oh." Duh, seriously, how stupider could I get? Well for one thing, stupider isn't a word Blaike. I half ran and half walked awkwardly over to the chairs and picked up the little dart. I walked back avoiding eye contact with Quenin who was no doubt laughing. My inference was confirmed when I heard a snort escape Quentin's lips. "Hey, just because I can't connect the dots doesn't mean you have to laugh at me." I pouted playfully, knowing fully well that my actions were teasing worthy.

"Um, yeah it is." Quentin stopped surpressing his laughter and burst out into knee slapping guffaws. I huffed and spun around quickly. Without a second thought I threw the dart at the map. A whispering thump proved that the dart had stuck.

"How's that?" I turned around triumphantly.

"You didn't almost hit anyone, so...better." He spoke as he strode past me and flipped his hair off his forehead. I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder playfully with the back of my hand. I followed behind him to the map and squinted my eyes to see where the dart landed. Quentin pulled out the dart and peered closer. "Well, looks like we are going Adelaide, Australia." He clapped his hands together and stood up, looking at me.

"Adelaide? I've never heard of Adelaide before. I've heard of Sydney but that's it." Adelaide? Was it some boring town that practically didn't exist?

"It's the capital of the South Australia territory." He informed me matter-of-factly.

"Okay, well Mr. Capital-of-South-Australia, looks like we are going to Adelaide. Wherever that is." I plucked the dart from Quentin's hand and stuck it behind my ear. It was mine now.

"Alright, lets go get tickets for Adelaide, Australia!" Quentin grabbed his suitcase and I grabbed mine and we made our way over to the long lines for ticket purchases. We stood in line for almost an hour before walking up to a stiff man who looked down his nose and had a constant twitch in his eye. "Two tickets for Adelaide, Australia please." Quentin spoke confidently. It got me thinking how many times he had spoken in front of groups of people, important people.

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