Kid x Reader (lemon)

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(Female reader insert)

Just a quick warning before you continue; this is, as titled above, a lemon, which means it contains sexual content. If you are uncomfortable about this please click off or skip that part. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.
Word Count : 2088

"Seriously. You're gonna wear that." A scoff came from the red head, whom was sitting on your bed. Eustass Kid. You weren't sure how you ended up being in his hands, but here you were. His ship had docked here on your island back a few months ago, and you, a waitress in the local bar was the one who first welcomed the captain and his crew, and from that moment on you were in his sights.

You sent a glare in you're boyfriends direction as he slightly rose from your bed. "Kid. You know my required attire for my job, and I will say this again I need this job." Rolling your eyes you turn back around to head to the bathroom, all the while listening to him rant about your outfit and how you should just quit. 

The large shadow that hung over you in the door way was recognizable as kid's and was less than intimidating as he made it seem. "You know I'll be there tonight right?" A large hand gripped your waist as he turns you in your spot, coming in closer he backs you into the counter before lifting you to sit on it.

"And you know that if you fight you'll be  kicked out again." You smugly say as you spread your legs to let him stand between them. A large grin came over his features as his eyes loomed over you. Rough callused hands ran up your bare legs to meet with the short black skirt that was push up slightly from your position on the counter.

"Idiot. Am I supposed to just let men grope and take you apart with their eyes. I don't like to share. Especially my  woman." His head buried itself into your neck where a harsh nip was given to your tender flesh, a slight wince from your throat made the red headed man smirk into your skin.  Hands trialling from your hips up the tight black button up shirt you wore, he could feel every line and curve of your body. Continuing to suck and bite the skin of your neck you finally push him away.

"Kid you know I can't stay." You hop off the counter and send him a playful glare. You knew what he was up to, but you seriously needed this job, the pay was good and tips you made helped as well. Walking out of the bedroom and heading towards the door you could feel Kid following you.

Slipping on your shoes you bend over to help slip them on. "Fuck. You can't wear that." Rolling your eyes again you sighed this was your uniform and every time you had a shift this would happen, only this time your boss had changed from the solid tight skirt to one with a slit up the thigh. It wasn't a major change but it was enough for Kid to throw a fit over.

A cold grip took hold of your wrist as his metal arm pulled you over to where he was. His other harm roughly gripping you chin as his chapped lips landed on your own in a demanding kiss.  "I'll see you later, I'm going to meet up with killer and the rest of my crew." And just like that the massive form of muscle stormed out of your house leaving you with swollen lips from a harsh kiss goodbye.

It was a busy night at the bar tonight, the staff was running in circles between severing and taking orders, apparently another ship had arrived this evening and the whole crew had come to the bar of course. You were running to deliver a table their order when out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of red as the familiar man and a few of his crew entered the building. Placing the mugs of beer down from your tray you watched as the men at the table smirked as they looked at each other.

" you know, we've had a long journey to get here, and to see a sight like you is quite pleasant." Your attention was pulled to the man whom you stood closest to, dark brown locks and a bit of stubble covered his chin, while chocolate irises stared you down, he looked adorable and you give a quick smile thanking the man for his complement as you stood and began to walk away.

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