Zoro x Reader (Fluff)

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(Female reader insert)


[takes place after the time skip]

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Word count: 2007


The first time he set his sight on you was after a close battle took place. He won, of course, However not without cost. A large gash had opened up across his flesh and with chopper busy in his own fight, Zoro knew he'd have to wait. Or so he thought. There you came, barreling toward him. Worry was written across your face as you raced across the battle scared land. Rushing forward to assist the swordsman with his wound, your feet sliding to a stop as you finally reach him. You almost wanted to let out a breath of air when you were able to see it wouldn't be that bad of a wound especially for a man like Zoro. But before he could start to heal you had to stop the bleeding and cover the wound till chopper could arrive.

Delicate hands touched his skin, his gaze solely on you, your beautiful facial features pulled together in concentration as you cleaned his wound. The sun was bright and rays beamed down through the smoke and dust of the battle, but it was your light that Zoro thought was the brightest. Once finished you smiled up at your crew mate, happy with what you could help with (E/C) eyes stared up at his face as he watched your lips began to move and it was the first time he wondered if your lips were as soft as your touch on his arm.

"Zoro?" Your voice finally cut through his thoughts as you waited for a response, the sound of the battle was starting to quiet off as he realized everyone was finishing off their opponents. Focusing back on your form as he realized he was so preoccupied with the thought of your kiss that he didn't hear your questions.

"Huh, what was that?" Came his guff response, moving his vision off you for a spit second before noticing chopper making his way over.

"I asked if you were alright?" You smiled, you knew he was but it didn't hurt to ask right. Your concern hit a cord deep in his chest, he then took in your form fully, almost checking for any of your own wounds but nothing but a couple small scrapes and scratches.

"Hey guys! Let me check you both over!" Yelled Chopper as he finally came in closer. Analyzing the damage inflicted on you. Chopper began to go over Zoro's wounds as he spoke to you, but Zoro kept you in his sight trying to figure out what it was about you pulling him in. His attention once again grabbed as you mentioned you were off to see if anyone else needed Assistance after checking with chopper that he had everything here covered.

Off you ran, through the smoke and setting debris but as you went Zoro couldn't get over how bright your presence was, and "tsked" at him self as he tore his vision from your form.

That night everyone was celebrating a battle won. delicious food prepared by Sanji. Music played by Brooke as everyone danced in the fire light, laughs and drinks were passed around. Luffy and Usopp yelling out toasts for every member. Everyone was so wrapped up in the happiness but there he was once again, wrapped up in the image of you. Zoro watched as you with flushed cheeks from the alcohol, danced with Nami, letting out laughs as you went. Zoro caught him self smiling at your own smiling figure, quickly pulling his cup up, he took a large swig of the bitter liquid. Chasing down the thoughts of you with it.

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