Chapter 3

14 1 0

December 16, 2017


The sun peaking through the blinds starts to wake me up.  As I roll over I grab my phone from the nightstand to see what time is.  It's nine thirty which means I have an hour until I am going to meet Harry for breakfast. 

As I am going through my emails before getting up Chris starts to groan next to me.  He then all of a sudden he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him.  "Good morning beautiful" he whispers into my ear with his rough morning voice.

I turn in his arms so that way I am facing him and give him a peck on the lips.  "I have to get up soon to shower and get ready for breakfast with Harry" I tell him and he rolls his eyes at my statement.  I just ignore him and his moodiness I then roll out of bed and head into the bathroom.

I start the shower and while that's warming up I brush my teeth and wash my face. I then step into the shower and wash my hair and body. I'm so excited to see Harry although it sucks that he leaves today. 

After my shower I dry my hair and put on some light makeup.  I really do not like to wear heavy makeup because I worry that I will break out.  I then put on a cute striped jumper and a pair of light wash jeans.  I decided for shoes I will wear some booties because it is quite chilly out today.


I just got to the diner that Harry wanted to meet at. I walked here considering it was only a few blocks from where I live. I try to walk wherever I have to go to get some extra steps in. Once I walk into the diner I notice Harry isn't here yet. I should probably text him and let him know that I'm here.

Madeline: Hey Harry I'm at the diner are you close?

Harry: Yeah I just pulled in out front I will see you in a minute!

His text caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach for some reason. As I'm standing at the front of the restaurant waiting I notice the door opens and there he is.

"Hey love sorry I'm a tad late were you waiting long?" he asked while coming over to give me a hug.

"No not at all I just got here a few minutes ago." I tell him.

"Perfect lets get a table shall we?" he takes my hand and leads me to the hostess standing at the small counter.

"Hi can we have a table for two?" Harry asks her. She looks absolutely star struck right now. "Of coarse right away" she said while grabbing two menus. "Follow me please" she says and leads us to a booth in the corner of the restaurant.

Once we are seated with our menus we finally get the chance to start talking. "So how was your night last night" I ask him.

He lets out a sigh before answering, "It was alright I guess, I spent hours packing everything for my flight."

"Yeah that sucks but I can relate with the constant packing and traveling then unpacking" I tell him.

Our waitress is making her way over to us I'm assuming to ask what we would like to drink and eat. "Hi how are you two doing this morning?" she asked us.

"We're doing great I think we are ready to order" Harry says while looking over to me and I shake my head indicating that I was ready to order. "Well ladies first" Harry says while winking at me.

"Okay I would like two scrambled eggs with spinach and wheat toast and just a glass of water" I tell her.

"That actually sounds really good so I will just have the same as her but can I have apple juice to drink instead" Harry says while handing the lady his menu.

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