Chapter 3

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Necromancer P.O.V.

I walked alongside Julie. His names not really Julie, but it pisses him off when I call him that. He's deff. not a girl though. He's a full blooded wearwolf, but I'm his only friend. His pack got killed by a bunch of vampires when they went camping. I was there, and I protected him since he was a pup and couldn't control his shape shifting abilities and couldn't protect himself yet. We've known each other forever, I can't remember a day we weren't together.

Like yesterday when we had a run in with a vampire and two other humans. I'm actually surprised Julie didn't try killing the vampire, he was acting too calm.

"So you gonna explain to me why you didn't try killing that vampire yesterday?" I asked, looking up at Julie. Watching him clench his fists so hard that try turned white.

"I don't want to talk about it," he growled out past clenched teeth.

I stopped walking and stared at his back as he stopped a couple of feet away from me.

I was shocked, we've never, never kept secrets from each other. Not even the secret of us both being gay, or that he's killed a human before, nothing. I mean he's gotten kicked out of school for starting fights with a vampire and didn't lie to me as to why he did that, he lied to everyone else.

"You don't want to talk about it?" I repeated.


"Fine," I grumbled. I walked faster to catch up to him.

Honestly this whole zombie-robot-apocalypse thing really freaks me out. And I can make the dead rise.

The zombies are really bad though, 'cuz the adult ones are as strong as a vampire or a wearwolf and the child ones are super fast. The child zombies can also walk on ceilings so you have to be careful.

The robots, though, can be as tall as a freaking house or small as a freaking rat. There are different types of each thing, kinda like the human population. Different races, colors, genders. Super freaky.

Me and Julie have been wandering America, barely stopping to take a rest. I kinda liked how we met all those people a couple hours ago though. And, I would never tell Julie this but, the vampire with the British accent sounded and looked so freaking hot!

We stopped in front of a mall. Normally you wouldn't go into buildings that, before the invasion, were crowded with people. (I.e. police stations, malls, hospitals, giant offices...) But malls meant clothes and food and that was something we desperately need right now.

Julie walked towards the door. Since he was a wearwolf he had the whole listening ability, so he was probably making sure that there was no one/anything around.

"Clear," he said, turning around to look at me. But it was like God had it out for us and all of a sudden we heard the worst sound possible.



heyyyy. So it's been a loooonnnggg time. SOO SORRY!!! But I'm reading a zombie book right now and I think it'll give me some inspiration. This is not edited so if there's any problems I'll probs edit it later. Once again so sorry for the late update. I don't know when I'll update next. And sorry it's soo short!!


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