After School

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I love you and it makes me cry,
From now on we are just friends
Laughing together would be good enough for me but... that would be a lie.
Can you love me?

Chapter 5

You received a message from Jiminie♡」

Out of the blue, Jennie's phone vibrate from her pocket. She fished her phone out carefully, hiding it from the prying eyes of their literature teacher.

After reading the notification on her screen, Jennie glance at Jimin's seat. Being the class president, he is always on the front row while Jennie loves at the back, together with Lisa.

She tapped the screen and opened the message.

From: Jiminie
I need to talk to u, meet me at the gym after class.

The confused girl raise a brow as she glance again at her boyfriend. This time Jimin turn around to look at Jennie, the cute girl smiled at him but Jimin didn't notice it as he averted his gaze.

From: Jennie 😊
Of course,
I'll be there. See u.

"Hide your phone. The teacher is looking at your way."
Lisa elbowed Jennie lightly upon noticing the gaze of their literature teacher who is looking at her friend with doubt eyes.

The shorter girl with her fast reflexes, pocketed her phone immediately and continued to take notes.

"Are you going home after this?"
Jennie asked without looking at Lisa, both are engulfed with their own notes.

"No, I'll be at art class."

"I thought you already finished it?"

"I'll just add some few retouches."

"I see. I'll be going home with Jimin then."
Lisa halt from writing and tilted her head to look at Jennie, who's too immersed on her notes.

Time flies so fast and the last bell rang, Jennie put her things inside her bag and excitedly ran towards the gym.

She open the huge door and saw Jimin who is playing basketball alone. She smiled, running towards her boyfriend.

Jennie slipped her both arms around Jimin's waist, surprised by the sudden back hug from his girl.

Jimin turned around to look at her, Jennie's bright smile slowly fades when she saw Jimin's stoic expression.

It was weird to see her boyfriend this cold towards her, she slowly slipped off her hands away from him as she took a one step back.

"What's wrong?"
She nervously asked.


"What? You're making me nervous."
She awkwardly laugh, looking away.

"I'm sorry, but let's break up."
Jennie's laughter turned quickly to despair.

Jimin hands turning into a fist, he tried to think of something to say to at least eased the pain that he's about to inflict her.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"
His gaze softened when he saw Jennie's in the brick of her tears.

"I kissed Lisa."

Ha-ha-ha!... and she laughed till tears started to her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jimin but I didn't quite catch that."
Jennie tried to smile but it came looking so fake.

Jimin step closer to her and reached for her hands but Jennie pulled away, her anger rippling through her.

"Jimin, I said I didn't quite catch that."
Her voice firmed this time and Jimin bowed his head down, didn't know what to do.

"I like Lisa."
Jennie inched back.

Jimin look up and a hard slapped fell on to his cheek, Jennie's glaring angrily at him.

And without any other word, Jennie dashed away from the gym, leaving Jimin all alone.

Her heartbeats race with every steps she take closer towards her destination.

Jennie slammed the door open and went to Lisa.

"So tell me Lisa, did you and Jimin really kissed?"
The girl stopped from painting, putting down the paint brush and the wooden palette.

"It was not like that..."
She whispered low. Jennie grabbed her arm and make her stand up so that she can face her friend.

"So you two did really kissed?"
The taller girl shake her head, tears threatening to fall.

"No, it's not like that Jennie."

"Then what?!!"
Jennie screamed and tears from the taller one started to pour.

Lisa really hates how Jennie's eyes always mirrored what she feel. What she hates even more is the fact that she's the one who's inflicting the pain inside her.

unable to think of a response, Lisa stayed silent.

"Do you like him?"

"Answer me, do you like him?"
Lisa tried to reached out to her but Jennie slapped her hands away from her.

"I said answer me, Lisa! Do you like Jimin?!!"
No. Tears continued to flow in Lisa's eyes.

"The one that Iー"

"The one that I like isー"
Lisa halted herself from saying what she really feel. She only cried harder as sobbed wracked her body.

"How could you do this, Lisa?"
Jennie turned around and harshly picked the paintbrush and started to ruin Lisa's painting.

"I hate you!"
Jennie poured dark colors at the canvas after that she rushed outside the room running away from her.

Lisa's knees weakened causing her to plopped down from the floor still crying, she take a look at the ruined painting and an unbearable pain struck her heart.

Her vision blurred from the excessive crying but Lisa tried to maintained an artificial smile, especially knowing that this was at least partly her fault also.

I'm sorry.
I don't have the courage to say it.

Her: L.M ✔️Where stories live. Discover now