Chapter Six

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3rd persons Pov

Daniel cursed under his breath. He hated letting things get to him, making him look weak. He didn't hear David walk behind him. David looked at Daniel, sadness in his eyes. Not the usually pity he should of felt like he usually did. A different sadness. Like someone had just punched him in the stomach.
He hugged Daniel, immediately forgiving him.
Daniel hugged back, turning around and wrapping his arms around David's waist. A small blush appeared across David's face. Daniel sighed "I'm so so sorry David" he choked back a tear, not wanting to sound pathetic. "I forgive you Daniel," David responded, looking up at the taller male. "You didn't mean to and I accept that!" Daniel looked down at David. Daniel couldn't help but get lost in David's beautiful brown eyes. He almost melted on the spot; but shrugged the feeling off... he couldn't get attached. "Thank you so much, Davey." He cooed, pulling him closer by his waist. Obviously, Daniel didn't even look at how much David's face looked like a ripe tomato, David being extremely thankful for that.
"D-Daniel, do you feel better now?" he asked him.
"Yes. Much better sweetheart" he purred, gaining his composure and being more like his normal self.
He wasn't sure if he would be done with the killing... he couldn't help it. Just to see David's body on the floor, blood splattered around him and on his sharp dagger...
Daniel snapped out of it immediately. For gosh sake he just fucking apologized and got worked up over even coming close to David with a knife... he couldn't do it even if he tried.

What Daniel would find out sooner or later is that he couldn't bear the thought of losing David.

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