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Just like Whitey had said, we did in fact see each other the next day. I took my normal route to the schoolhouse that morning, feeling refreshed after a proper night's rest and hopeful that today was going to be a better day. I saw him standing with a group of ladies, immediately recognising Mary Agnes as one of them. Upon seeing him, I quickly picked up my pace, not in the mood or state to talk to him yet. I needed more time for my heart to heal and accept reality; Whitey saw me just as a friend and nothing more.

Unfortunately, while I was thinking I wasn't paying attention and Whitey had noticed me. He was shouting my name and telling me to come over. As much as I wanted to say no and walk away, I couldn't resist his charming smile and calming demeanour. Whitey Winn would be my downfall.

Sighing quietly under my breath in irritation, I started walking towards the group. They were surrounding two wagons equipped with two horses each to pull them along. There was one extra horse that wasn't hooked up to a wagon that I assumed was Whitey's.

      "Hey, Whitey," I started hesitantly. "What can I do for ya?"

       "Wanna join us for a trip on over to Alice Fletcher's property?" Whitey flashed me his signature grin, making me want to cave in immediately and say yes. I knew I couldn't though, even if I wanted to. I had to help out at the school, especially if I was going to make up for my horrible behavior the other day.

      Instead of saying that first though, I let my curiosity get the best of me and asked, "Why are ya'll heading over there?"

Whitey gave me an are you joking look.

      "Oh, right," I said aloud, as everything then clicked at once in my brain. I had somehow managed to forget how Whitey had even gotten into that jail cell last night; Alice Fletcher had locked him in there. Plus, to top it all off, she took the prisoner with her, making Whitey look bad. I assumed Whitey told the women what had occurred since they all seemed to be coming along, too.

"Uh, well I'd sure like to," I started, "but I have work today." Normally I would be upset not being able to spend time with Whitey, but I was now finding myself somewhat relieved. Although I didn't know what would become of our relationship, one thing I did know with upmost certainty was that Whitey and I were at an awkward point in our friendship. I didn't like it one bit.

       Whitey then teasingly jutted out his lip and started pouting at me. "Come on, Minnie," he started, now a bit more serious. "I would really appreciate it if ya came."

      I looked into his intense brown eyes, sand sighed. His eyes seemed to have a private conversation with mine, communicating his thoughts with me through the emotion behind them. It was a conversation that I knew Whitey would never say out loud to anyone except me. He was nervous. I instantly wanted to help him not feel this way, to make his nerves and fears go away, to comfort him. It was in that moment I knew I would do anything to help him.

      "Well, I guess I could come." Whitey then smiled brightly, his eyes lighting up with happiness. "But," I continued, not wanting to get his hopes up, "I have to be back in at least an hour." I gave Whitney a stern look, making sure he knew I was serious.

      "Of course, M'lady," Whitey teased. I rolled my eyes in response, laughing quietly to myself. He held his hand out towards me, which I gratefully took, and helped me into the wagon closest to him. The wagon had two rows, each approximately holding up to a maximum of two people, and a green roof that had the words La Belle Hotel printed on the front. I sat in the front row on the end, wanting to be close to Whitey in case he needed me.

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