Step Two

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Why me?

The sound of Tony knocking on Steve's door was starting to become very familiar to him. Everyday that week, Tony had been the one to drag him around the tower for fifteen minutes, and each day was as awkward as the last.

Tony didn't look forward to their walks anymore then Steve did, but for different reasons. The desire to ask Steve question after question was almost too much, but Tony had too much pride to.

Not to metion, Natasha had finally gotten fed up with their silence and had ordered Tony to hold a conversation or else.

Tony didn't doubt that she would make good on her threat.

Still, Tony personally (for a reason he couldn't place his finger on) did want to be friends with Steve again. It was similar to how he had felt the need to bring him to his tower rather then letting Steve go to some government jail some place.

Tony popped open the door when he felt fairly certain Steve was ready. Steve walked out grumpily, and his usually short buzzcut was starting to grow out, and he had some stubble on his chin.

Tony was reminded of a puppy denied a treat.

Tony tried for one of his usually jokes to defuse the tension. "Cat got your tongue Steve?"

If looks could kill Tony would have been dead a dozen times over.

"Okay, it was pretty bad." Tony raised his hands in defeat.

"You can say that again," Steve muttered under his breath.

They walked in silence as Natasha silently stalked them from the vents above. She was extremely ticked- to say the least. Even if it killed her, she would get her awkward friends together. (Natasha didn't really have much of a feel for personal space.)

Tony, not being able to take the silence as they walked by another window (Steve gazing longingly at the outside world), whistled a tune as they walked. Steve almost smiled, remembering a time when Tony had walked in on Steve and Natasha excitedly discussing old terms/slang from when they were younger and walked right back out, whistling as he did. They had laughed for a solid five minutes.

When Tony looked over at Steve his face was smoothed back into solemness.

"You were a man of few words before Steve, but this is ridiculous," Tony commented.


Tony scowled and glared at the floor.

Natasha growled mentally from her spot in the vents, ready to kill them. She had to do something, but what?

A sudden, devious thought hit Natasha. She grinned devilishly as she crept through the vents, preparing her plans for tomorrow's walk.



Steve stopped fidgeting with his longer-then-he-liked hair, letting it go, just this once.

Tony slammed the door open, grinning- an odd sight for him these days. "I'm in an excellent mood today and nothing you say or don't say can change that 'Merica."

Steve almost smiled when he saw how happy Tony was, but refrained last minute.

Why does it make me happy to see him happy?

"Let's go," Stark urged, rubbing his hands together.

Steve followed Tony out the door, his footsteps echoing in the long hallway.

Steve And Tony Make Up (A Stony Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now