Step Eight

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A small lamp lit the otherwise dark workplace. Although it was day time the owner of the room preferred to keep the space relatively dim to stave off the headaches that would just not leave him alone.

Deftly, the hand of the owner shifted the lamp so it would better shine in the direction of the delicate machinery he was working. Tony carefully examined the piece of machinery he was working on. So far, so good. He was working on improving the iron man suit, which had been a little off ever since the battle at the airport where the stupid bug thing (as he referred to it) got into his suit.

Tony rubbed his forehead, yawning. His head was began to pound, the dim light not doing its jon. Now, the headache came from either it was from a lack of sleep or not drinking enough water, Tony figured, and which of the two he couldn't be sure. One thing was likely- it was probably a mix of both.

Beep beep beep beep

Tony glanced down at his watch, confused. Why had he set it to go off again? Fluorescent light suddenly flooded the room and Tony hissed, raising an arm to cover his eyes.

"You know, setting up a system to track when I enter the room doesn't really work if you don't remember that you did."

Tony twisted to look over at the door. He saw Natasha standing by the light switch. "Natasha! Don't do that!"

"Do what?" Natasha asked, feigning innocence as she hopped up on the table so she was sitting beside him.

"Turn on the lights without at least asking first. Geez, I'm starting to think you're trying to kill me by frightening me to death," Tony complained, turning back to his work.

Natasha laughed, crossing her legs. "Tony, if I was trying to kill you I would have done it a long time ago."

"....thanks for the honesty. My paranoid side defiantly is shrinking."

"No problem. So, what happened last night?" Natasha probed.

"What is this, an integration?" Tony asked dryly, picking back up his screwdriver and machinery.

"Yes," Natasha answered without hesitation, "So, answer the question."

Tony focused on the task in front of him, tossing aside the screwdriver and grabbing pliers. "You're an assassin. Don't you have better things to do? It's been forever since you've been on a mission and- blast it!"

A cog went flying out as Tony accidently pushed against it with the pliers. Natasha's hand flew out and grabbed it with ease. She passed it back to Tony. "Here. Also, this entire thing would be a lot easier if you just took the parts on top of the wire you're trying to thread out."

"I don't want to," Tony grumbled, hunched over his work.

Natasha seemed unimpressed. "Good for you. Now, answer the question."

Tony scowled, remaining silent.


"Steve was probably high out of his mind, something he's not used to because typically drugs don't work on him (we spent forever engineering the drugs he had in his system) because of blah blah serum. He heard me scream because of you know what and high Steve broke out to follow the noise. High Steve was easy to push back in his cell," Tony shot off, focus still entirely on machinery. "The media doesn't know thank heavens, and they never will. The end."

Deny all you want Tony, but I'm onto you. In fact, the longer we talk the more convinced something's going on here. Why else would you be do defensive?

"Geez, no need to sound so touchy if that's all it was."

Tony snapped, "I can do whatever the hell I feel like Romanoff. Now can you please leave so I can finish this?"

"Fine." Natasha stood up, straightening her shirt.

Tony sighed and turned away from the object in his hands. "Sorry Natasha, I didn't mean it that way I'm just- just a little stressed right now. I'm worried about Peter."

And Steve, Natasha mentally sang.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your son is fine. You should really get around to adopting legally at some point though." Natasha sauntered out of the room, quite pleased with herself. Tony blinked, taking a minute to process what she said.


Natasha laughed, almost skipping as she bounded away, quite pleased with the information she had gathered. Tony raced after her.

"You'd better run Natasha because when I get ahold of you-!"

I know, I know, it's super short and it took me like nine days instead of the week I promised and it feels like filler. However, I thought it was pretty important to get both Tony's and Steve's views on what happened and how they react. My dear, denying children. Anyways, thanks for reading!! This chapter is dedicated to my faithful reader that keeps me going. stonyyy you're a saint.

816 Words.

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