Step 7

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Steve woke up with a major crick in his neck, and drool on his pillow. He wiped his mouth off as he glanced around the room, the bright light from the window shining right in his eyes. He raised a hand to block it. Besides that, the room was exactly how he remembered it.

Steve had (in the back of his mind) expected the whole thing to have turned out to be a dream, most of all the hugging Stark part. However, so far everything seemed to match up.

He slowly stood, stretching out his sore muscles. He reexamined the room and, in particular, glanced over the exercise machine. It was only a treadmill, but it would be better then what he had before- which was nothing. Having nothing was a true horror as he would often become extremely restless but have nothing to do.

A knock on the door pulled Steve out of his thoughts. He glanced at the door, waiting for it open, but it didn't.

Do they want me to be further from the door?

Steve stepped back, choosing to sit on the bed in the end, the object furtherest from the door. He watched the door, waiting for it to open.

It eventually did, swinging open to reveal Natasha in her civvies, carrying a tray. Natasha scowled, planting her free hand on her hip as she said, "I was waiting for you to let me know I could come in."

"I didn't know I had a say in who came and went," Steve said, quirking an eyebrow, though he was smiling. He felt slight humour in the situation.

Natasha rolled her eyes, entering the room the rest of the way and closing the door behind her. If it had anyone besides Natasha, Steve might have thought they were insane for entering the room and closing off their exit without anything to use against him (a gun, taser, etc) besides their bare hands. It would be easy to take them out and use them as leverage. Natasha, however, was a formidable partner.

"I was trying to be a little polite," Natasha sighed, sitting on the bed next to Steve. She gestured to the tray she was holding. "Breakfast?"

"Thanks." Steve took a roll off the tray. He bit into it, surprised to see that it wasn't rock solid like he was used to. "I'm not used to you trying to be polite Natasha."

Natasha shrugged. "Apparently being a shield agent/avenger now means being a diplomat, which I think is stupid, but they don't ask me. I need the pratice."

Steve chuckled before taking another bite of the roll. "That's unforaunte."

"Agreed. Anyways... How was your little cell break?" Natasha asked, a glimmer of mischievousness in her eye as she leaned back using her hands to support herself.

Steve rubbed the back of his neck. "It wasn't really a cell break."

Natasha waited for Steve to continue, but when it became apparent he had lapsed into silence she scowled, crossing her arms. "I wanted details Rogers."

"It wasn't a big deal," Steve protested.

"You broke out of your cell and then returned willing to your cell. That, Steve, is a big deal," Natasha scoffed. "Now, details."

Steve ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I was still pretty drugged up when I heard someone scream. I still wasn't really able to think straight so I panicked, threw open the door, and ran towards the noise. Turns out it was just Stark, and sense I still wasn't able to think straight he was able to corral me back here easily. That's it."

It wasn't really the truth, but there was no way he was telling Natasha the truth. He didn't know why, but he didn't want her to know. He used to confide in her for almost everything, but for some reason he wanted this to stay private.

Yeah right. Deny all you want Rogers, but I'm on to you.

"Bo-ring," Natasha said aloud, standing up and leaving the tray on the bed. "I think I'd at least get something semi interesting out of you. There's no do around here without..."

Natasha barely bit off the word on the tip of her tongue.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to eat in peace."

Natasha walked out the door, shutting it behind her. Steve could deny all he wanted, but she was on to him.

Step 7, down.

Ey, so, didn't quite make it in that week range for uploading, but I'm getting there. It's better then a month between uploads I guess.

766 Words

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