17 : surprises and kisses

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(a/n if ur like one of those people who likes to know outfits, that's val's outfit lol i was too lazy to describe it so i just googled some random outfits)

"I'm so sleepy." Valoria said with a huff as she exited the plane, a yawn escaping her lips.

"It was a five hour flight, babe." Joe said with a laugh, gripping her hand as he went to baggage claim.

"I didn't sleep last night nor did I sleep in the flight, thank you very much." Valoria replied, "I have every right to be sleepy."

Joe chuckled, turning away from his girlfriend to focus on finding their bags. Once they collected them, the pair made their way to the exit and spotted Natalia, waving her hands as she ran forward to embrace Valoria.

"I missed you so much!" She said as pulled away from the hug, "And don't give me that 'it was only a week' bullshit because it was still a long time."

The brunette laughed, "I missed you too, Natty. Why are you here though?"

"Because you're coming over, duh. We have somewhere to be tonight." Natalia said lightly, turning to Joe. "You can go now."

Joe laughed, "Wow thanks for getting rid of me that quickly." He picked up his and Valoria's bags before placing a light kiss to Valoria's forehead. "I'll take your bag back to mine, you can get it later."

She nodded, giving him a small wave as Natalia pulled her out of the airport and to her car. "So, I got you a cute dress to wear and I really hope that backpack of yours has your makeup because we are not the same foundation shade."

Valoria laughed as she leaned against the car window, "I do have my makeup, and that cute dress better not be like last time."

"That dress was cute!"

"That dress was a shirt, Nat! You wanted me to wear a dress that showed my ass the minute I walked!"

"Joe's face when you tried it on made it worth it." Natalia stated, and Valoria reached over and gave her friend a slap on the shoulder.

The rest of the drive had Valoria napping, giving her some extra energy for whatever her friends had planned for the night.

At Natalia's house, they ordered a large pizza and sat down to eat. "So, how was it?" Natalia asked, taking a small bite of her pizza slice. "Are you officially accepted into the Keery family?"

Valoria laughed, placing a slice onto her own plate. "It was really cute. His parents were so sweet, but his sisters were hesitant in the beginning. They knew the rumors, but I think they're okay with me now."

"Did you look at baby pictures?"

"I have baby pictures! His mom gave me a few and I'm keeping them forever." Valoria laughed, and Natalia grinned. "I love my favorite couple."

They finished the rest of their meal in silence before watching a few movies, putting off the fact that they had to get ready for their plans for the night.

"Where are we going exactly?" Valoria asked when she came out of the shower, and Natalia turned away from assessing her closet to grin at her friend. "Clubbing!"


"Because we need to live out our youth." Natalia replied, pulling out two dresses from her closet and handing Valoria one. "This is yours, and I have to give you something else too."

Valoria took the dress as Natalia opened up a drawer in her closet, pulling out a Victoria's Secret bag and causing Valoria to let out a small sigh. "Where did you even get my bra size?"

"I checked your other bras, duh. Also got your dress size and shoe size." Natalia replied before pulling out a shoe box from under her bed. "These are my favorite part of the outfit!"

"Now, go get dressed. Its already eight and we need to be out by nine." Natalia said, giving her friend a small push towards the bathroom.

"You're the one who wanted to binge watch Black Mirror!" Valoria called with a huff, closing the door of the bathroom and getting dressed in what her friend had given her. The outfit was perfect, in Valoria's opinion, and as she reentered, she knew Natalia agreed.

"I did good." Natalia said, zipping up her own red dress with a smile. "Now, hair."

They each took turns curling each other's hair before doing their makeup. By the end of it, Valoria had a smoky eye with maroon lips, while Natalia did a cherry red lip and bronze eyes.

They slipped on their shoes just as an Uber arrived, and they made their way to the club. "Who's coming?" Valoria asked while the driver made his way to the club.

"Us two, our boyfriends, Dacre, and I think Dacre invited the Power Rangers cast."

Valoria grinned, "I really hope he did."

Once at the club, Valoria and Natalia entered and noticed the lights were dimmed. "Nat, what's-"

"Surprise!" The lights came on and Valoria noticed the large group of friends that stood in front of her, with Finn, Millie, Caleb, and Noah holding a large cake that read 'Happy Birthday Val!'. Valoria stood in shock with tears forming in her eyes, before Finn broke her shock.

"Blow out the candles before they become nubs, idiot!"

Valoria laughed as she stepped forward, blowing out all the candles and allowing them to go put the cake down. Joe had stood behind them and once they left, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Did you plan this?"

"It was a group effort." He shrugged, planting his hands loosely on her hips. "You look really damn good. Happy birthday, baby."

Valoria leaned up to place her lips against Joe's, kissing him softly. Joe deepened the kiss, his hands pulling her closer as his grip tightened.

"Oi! We want to party!" Dacre's voice broke them away from the kiss, and Valoria lifted her hand to flip off the Aussie.

"Just so you know, some people want to meet you." He replied, and Valoria pulled away from her boyfriend, spotting Dacre standing with Naomi and Becky. "The others couldn't come, but you're welcome."

Valoria laughed and gave Dacre a hug, while Natalia instructed the DJ to start the party. The birthday girl went around and began speaking to everyone who came while Finn and the kids left after giving her a 'happy birthday'.

When she finished making rounds to everyone, she made her way to the dancefloor and began dancing with Joe, a wide smile plastered on her lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too." Joe smiled, pecking her lips softly. "So damn much."

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