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                           Isabella | Vincent


(One year later)

Life couldn't be any better. Vincent decided to pursue his dream of becoming a veterinarian and he got offered multiple jobs in New York City. I on the other hand, only being 19 now, am attending Juilliard! Ella didn't apply for any colleges after we graduated last year, so she didn't attend any. My mom did hire her however since I can't work at the restaurant anymore because I live an hour away from there with Vincent.

Vincent and I still share our passion for singing. We will never forget how we met and one day we will tell our kids the story. Yes, Vincent finally asked me to be his girlfriend even though we pretty much already acted like a couple. But he wanted to make it more official. Lewis, would come visit us every few months and eventually, Ella and he began dating. Lewis is also planning on moving to America and when he does, we all agreed we'll live together.

As for my sister and Archer, after their wedding, they went on their honeymoon to the Maldives. It's so beautiful there. They now live around twenty minutes away from us. My mom would come visit both me and my sister and sometimes we'd go visit her too.

"Babe?" Vincent called as I heard the front door to our apartment open.

I got off our king size bed and ran to the front door and jumped on Vincent, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him. Vincent still takes my breath away until this very day and I still can't help but feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have him in my life. I didn't think anyone existed like Vincent.

"Mhm," he mumbled against my lips and smirking. "I take it you missed me today?"

"Yes! I was thinking about our lives and how it changed so quickly the past year,"

"It was a crazy year but worth it all," he nuzzled my cheek with his nose. Adorably might I add.

Vincent and I took a nice warm shower together because earlier this morning, Vincent wanted to take me out for our one year anniversary of being together. He booked a table for us at a restaurant that overlooks the beach. I got ready and we left the house and drove to the restaurant.

"You look stunning tonight," Vincent kept complimenting me while driving. "I mean you always do but tonight you look extremely beautiful. I don't know how I'm gonna keep my hands off you the whole night,"

"I'm sure you can control yourself," I pushed up my bra to allow him a better view of my cleavage and winked at him.

"Bella, I swear to god I'll park the car right now and do you in the backseat," Vincent's voice sounded husky. I knew I could get that effect from him.

"And ruin our reservations? I gasped shaking my head at him disapprovingly. "Come on Vincent, I thought you wanted to take me out tonight,"

"I do babe," he said. "But you gotta stop teasing me then,"

"No promise," I grinned cheekily. We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and I cringed when I caught sight of someone from my past.


We got out of the car and the closer we got to the doors of the restaurant, the sicker to my stomach I felt. I remembered all the nasty things Matt would say to me and how he made me feel all those years in high school.

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