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"THANKS EVERYONE FOR COMING OUT! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!" Zion yelled into the microphone as everyone began to be escorted out of the venue.

I flipped my head over and pulled all my hair into a ponytail at the top of my head. As we neared the exit of the venue, I seen Brandon. He didn't look or act himself during the interview nor the performance and I couldn't help to feel bad.

You still like Brandon.

No I don't.

Yes, you do. Stop denying it.

OKAY, fine. Maybe I still like Brandon a little. But I have to get over him. He's a player. He'll end up doing me just like he did his ex. He'll only end up hurting me.

While we were waiting for our ride to pull around to the back, I rushed into a bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror for a few seconds before I started crying. I can't do this. I can't fucking do this anymore. I leaned against the bathroom wall, my sobs making it harder to breathe. Can I just sit in this bathroom and die? A knock on the door made me jump, but I didn't bother getting up.

"Lily?" Austin's voice rung from the door. I swear to god if he walks in here. The door opened wider and his head popped in, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he was by my side within seconds.

"I can't do this anymore." I sobbed into his shoulder. His hands rubbed my back as I continued to cry. "I just want to go home." I whispered, making him scoff.

"You know within a week or even less, you'd be missing me too much if you left." he said, a sly smile on his lips.

"whatever." I chuckle, making him place a hand on his heart as if he were hurt by my comment. " Here get up, I don't think this is very sanitary." He laughed, pulling me up with him. I watched as he grabbed a napkin and ran it underneath the sink faucet, wetting it slightly. "Here," he whispered, handing the napkin to me.

I turned to the mirror and began cleaning myself up. I could see Austin staring at me through the mirror. "Thank you," I said as I threw the napkin away. I couldn't help but to embrace him in a hug, my feet being lifted up from the ground as he picked me up slightly. "Thank you so much." I whispered, my voice muffled because I had my face stuffed into his shoulder. "You smell good." I said as he placed me back onto the ground.

"I try." he smirked, walking towards the door, "No one speaks of me being in the ladies bathroom." He said to me as I walked past him out of the bathroom.

"EVERYONE SHALL KNOW OF THIS EXCITING INFORMATION." I screamed running out of the venue. As my feet hit the concrete of outside, I felt myself being pulled back.

"NO ONE WILL KNOW OF THIS." Austin screamed, making me laugh. We walked over to the van where everyone had been standing, waiting for us. Just as we got into the van, my stomach growled very loudly. "Someone's hungry." Zion teased, poking my stomach.

"Maybe we should go to subway, There's one right over there." Macy said.


"Guys, guess what?" I said after setting my sandwich back onto the paper that I had laid out on the table. Everyone chorused in with their 'what's and 'huh's as I took a sip of my Dr.Pepper, "Austin was in th-" His hand clamped over my mouth before I could say another word.

"Don't you dare go there, Lily." He said, making everyone laugh more than they already were. I glanced around the room casually after the laughter had died down and saw Brandon staring into space. I've probably screwed up him and my brothers friendship forever.

I took out my phone and texted Nick.

Are you and Brandon still friends?

I stared at him until his phone dinged. He glanced at it then looked away. Oh brother, you should have known better than to sit across the table from me. I kicked him under the table, making him wince and glare at me. I narrowed my eyes at his phone and he rolled his eyes but picked it up anyways. He glanced up at me and squinted his eyes slightly as if he didn't know how to answer the question. My phone dinged a few seconds later.

Big Brother 💜🐻:

you guys have to be friends
I will actually MAKE you guys become friends again

Big Brother 💜🐻:
I mean we still share a room together but I haven't really talked to him that much since everything happened

wtf you're gonna make me be the reason you guys aren't friends anymore? forget about me and become friends again
At the end of the day, he's still your band mate

Big Brother 💜🐻:

I watched my brother closely as he placed his phone on the table next to his drink. He elbowed Brandon and whispered something in his ear, making him laugh lightly. They continued to whisper back and forth, making me actually terrified to find out what they were talking about.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked around at everyone laughing and getting along with one another.

✔ LITTLE MARA! ― (BRANDON ARREAGA)Where stories live. Discover now