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As I said in the hospital, Brandon was not forgiven for what he done or what happened between us. It's been a week since Elena and Lorenzo were born. Elena Marie and Lorenzo Dominic. If you're wondering what last name they have, Brandon and I are discussing it. He wants them to take his last name for some unknown reason, but I continuously tell him that they're taking my last name.

The bad thing about this whole situation is that this was not planned at all. By that I mean that I was not prepared for the babies to come this early or while I was in LA. Everything I needed was back in Miami, my home. They're food, bottles, clothes, beds, literally everything. Luckily for me, My mother went out and bought some bottles and a few more things, along with some of the clothes that she had already bought for them.

Brandon's been very sweet ever since the babies have been born. He's actually been a very big help with them. I always try to him that I have everything under control and that he doesn't need to help, but he always says the same thing. "I want to." It makes hating him really hard. The way he acts with the babies is completely adorable. Don't tell him, but I probably have over forty pictures that i've secretly taken of him and the babies.

I was in the kitchen with Elena, trying to get their bottles made while Brandon and Lorenzo were in the living room waiting for me. When I left, Lorenzo was laying in Brandons lap with his small fingers wrapped tightly around brandon's much larger pointer finger and when I walked back in, they were both laid out on the couch snoozing.

As for my brother, he's barley said two words to Brandon. He usually just ignores him when they're in the same room together. Him and the boys have also been a very big help with the babies. The babies have only been home for two days and everything is fine so far. I can't do much because of the thirteen stitches on my stomach, but I have to go back to the doctor next week to have them removed.

It still doesn't feel like i'm a mother. I guess it just hasn't sunken in yet that i'm a mother of two beautiful babies. I'm proud of myself.


"Yeah, Maci. They're actually really good." I said as I held the phone in front of my face. As you probably guessed, Maci freaked out when she found out I had the babies. She told me for months on end that she wanted to be there for me, which I had no problem with at all, but like I said, none of this was planned.

"That's great, when are you coming back to Miami?" She asked, making me shrug.

"I don't really know. I don't want to take the twins on a plane while they're this small. They could easily get sick since they're only a week old." I said, walking over to the bed where Elena was laying. "They sure do sleep a lot." I said, pulling a small pink blanket over her fragile body.

"It's like a puppy. puppies sleep a lot when they're first born. Oh Your milk is spoiled by the way." She said, making me chuckle.

"Pour it out," I told her, making her groan into the phone. We continued to talk until Elena began crying. "Alright, I need to go. Elena's awake and if I don't calm her down she'll wake Lorenzo up." I said. We exchanged goodbyes before hanging up the phone.

I picked Elena up and walked back downstairs to where Brandon and Lorenzo were. When I reached the living room, Brandon was awake and trying to get Lorenzo back to sleep.

"How is she?" He asked

"Same as yesterday. She was really cranky this morning and she just woke up from her nap." I said, rocking Elena in my arms. "You wanna take him upstairs and try to get him back to sleep? Elena is wide awake and I don't want her keeping him from getting rest."

He nodded and stood up, cradling Lorenzo. He began to walk, but Austin stopped him before he could go upstairs. "I got it dude." He said, taking Lorenzo upstairs for his nap.

I carried Elena into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and Brandon followed. He huffed out a sigh and leaned against the counter, "We need to talk." He said, running a hand through his messy hair and then crossing both his arms over his stomach.

"We are talking."  I said, closing the refrigerator and making my way back to the living room. I sat down on the couch and placed Elena in my lap. I could see, from the corner of my eye, Brandon walk in shortly after me and sit down on the couch, leaning his elbows on his knees. "I'm serious, Lily." He said, making me look at him.

"Fine, about what?"

"I just," he paused and looked around the room everywhere but me. "I'm sorry, I know you'll never forgive me, But I just want you to know that i'm sorry. I don't know why I told Nick that lie. I guess it's because I didn't want him to hate me for what I did. I don't know why I did what I did either. I gue-" The baby monitor that sat next to the couch went off. "I'll go get him." he said standing up from the couch and heading upstairs.

Good timing, Lorenzo.

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