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The folder opened and eighteen subfolders appeared. Most of them were what I expected, Bobby's notes on all kinds of monsters, how to kill them, which ones were good, who to contact for help with a specific creature. You name it, it was there. The folders were divided into categories and each category was organized in alphabetical order. But two folders were different. Unlike the other sixteen, these did not have names such as 'how to kill' or 'contact list'. Bobby had named both of them a series of numbers and letters that I could not make sense of. I was about to click the folder called JW6002SS0031 when Charlie appeared in the doorway. I'd left my door open to make myself less suspicious, but I knew Charlie sensed there was something on my laptop that I didn't want her to see. I closed it too fast.

"We're going to do groceries. Wanna come?"

I knew they wouldn't leave me alone here, but it was nice of them to ask.

"Sure," I said and put my laptop on the nightstand.

I tried to remove the sd card without Charlie noticing, and clenched my fist around it. I followed Charlie though the kitchen and into the room with the big world map table. Sam and Dean were waiting for us and got up as soon as we walked in. Charlie and I followed them upstairs, through some hallways and then though the big iron door. Sam closed and locked in behind us as Dean walked to his Impala and got into the driver's seat.

The drive was short and about ten minutes later we arrived at the parking lot of a supermarket. There hadn't been much talking, mostly because Dean turned up the ACDC which made hearing each other nearly impossible. I followed quietly, trying to figure out if they'd found out anything about me, but for now it didn't seem like they did. Inside the store Dean gave everyone tasks and as we spread out in the store I felt more relaxed. I was in charge of toilet paper and cans of soup, and as I was deciding on three or four layers, a girl walked into the aisle. She seemed to be in her late twenties and decidedly walked into my direction.

"Hey," she said as she stopped close to me.

"Hey," I said and looked up for a second.

She had too much makeup on for my taste, and to little clothes.

"Who's the redhead with?"

"Eh," I said, "what?"

"The girl with the red hair. Is she dating one of your brothers?"

I froze. Then quickly relaxed. She couldn't know. The store wasn't big and she must have seen me come in with them.

"They're not my brothers," I said and grabbed the four layers, "and she is dating neither."

"Oh," she said, "good to know."

She walked away and I rolled my eyes.

"Some girl asked about you," I said to Sam and Dean as I put the toilet paper and six cans of soup in the shopping cart.

The girl appeared and I nodded in her direction. Dean's head turned around so fast I barely even saw him move, and Sam just rolled his eyes. Dean turned back around and I assumed he'd seen the layer of makeup caked on her face. He pushed the heavy cart towards the cash desks and paid the cashier as Sam, Charlie and I loaded the groceries into paper bags. The cashier, an older man with grey hair and a red vest, was clearly trying to make conversation with Dean, who was not having it.

"On a nice family trip?" he said.

"Yeah," Dean said as he counted the money in his wallet.

"Two brothers and two sisters?" the man tried again.

Dean didn't even respond this time, so Sam quickly chimed in.

"Eh, yeah, I mean, yes."

"That's sixty-eight dollars and forty two cents please."

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