Chapter Six~The Threatening Message.

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(Bruce's POV)

After a dull meeting at work, I returned home. All I could think about was Eleanor, she was worried about me so it was about time that I told her the truth, if she was okay with it then I would ask her to be mine because I loved her, I've never experienced this feeling before her, I needed her to be in my life forever. When I got in the house I shouted for her to have Alfred answer me instead. "She's gone for a walk sir, she should be back soon." I nodded and decided to go down to the cave with Alfred to talk about the box.

I explained to Alfred that the box was from The Joker and that they had been planted all over the city. "Where is he now sir?" Alfred asked. "I don't know, I've been trying to find him on these screens but it's no use." I answered. He sighed and started to look at all my new weapons that Lucius had designed me. All of a sudden the screens started to crackle and they had been hacked by The Joker himself. "Hello Batman, here I am, ta dah! I have a surprise for you, I've found some new friends, they're a lot of fun! Let's see who we have here! What's your name?" He questioned a pregnant young woman who was crying her eyes out. "S-Susan Davis." He then went to a teenage boy who had a very angry expression on his face and blood running down his cheek. "Joe Raine." The next person was a business woman who had mascara running down her face. "Harriet J-Johnson." The next man was in a sports t-shirt and was also crying. "James Yards." The Joker laughed very loudly and walked towards the last person. "This one is my favourite, she does love a bit of fun." He bellowed. That's when mine and Alfred's  world came crashing down.

There she was hanging from the ceiling with floods of tears rolling down her cheeks and a cut across her cheek which was still bleeding. "Eleanor P-Pennyworth." My heart sank. She looked in pain. "You have 48 hours to save them Batman before I kill them all, precious time is ticking." He laughed before the film cut out. "Sir..." Alfred said weakly, he was on the floor shaking. "I'm going to save her Alfred, don't worry, I love her, no man is going to take her away from me before I even tell her, get Lucius down here and once I'm in my suit, call Gordon, I need as much help as I can get." I reassured him before helping him up and getting ready for battle. As The Joker said "Precious time is ticking."

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