The Lyon family

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Bella pov

Im am scared to death. Cookie is coming with the whole family and we all know how ahe can get around white people dating her family. I just feel sorry that Carlisle will have to go through this. While i was thinking of a way to get Carlisle out of this shit the bell rings .He says
"I will get it."
I cut him and say
"Haha very funny !best if i get it."
I walk to the door and open to see cookie ,jamal, hakeem, Andre and Serayah.
They greet me happily but the mood changes when they see the cullens and and bella. They happily greet Bella but Cookie
glares at the Cullens. And says
"And you guys are?"
Carlisle takes lead and says
"Hi my name is Carlisle and this is Edwards,Rosalie,Emmet, Jasper and Alice its a pleasure to meet you." Cookie stood there looking at each one of them while me and Bella where chukling. I had the courage to say
" We made dinner anyone hungry?"
Cookie looked at me and said
"Sure baby were the dining table"
30 minutes later
We were at the dining table eating some fish and rice, in silence. Carlisle said
"Cassie told us that you guys went to paris! How did it go?"
Serayah answered " it went well we had alot of fun. Thanks for asking..."
Cookie stomps in the conversation and says
"So Edwards, how did you meet Bella."
"At school in chemistry class"
"How you get her pregnant?"
The cullens looked shocked but it was no suprise so i said
"How did khal from games of thrones get khaleesi pregnant?"
Cookie looked at me and nodded
and asked me
"How bout you?"
"Yeah i acually am dating Carlisle."

loving a Cullen (twilight Carlisle Cullen x reader) BwwmWhere stories live. Discover now