Business Trip
Johanna M. Vining
Here I am
fingers stuck in the knotted tree
my face pummeled with bees
White kindles echoing across the treetops –
a tome too bulky to carry along with me.
Last night, oh, last night I celebrated your absence by
painting all the doors in the house a foggy shade of green.
I awoke speckled in bee stings and with a hollow ache
at the base of my curved spine.
I thought I heard you whispering to me,
but it was only the attic mice ravishing the poison.
From out your window I imagine you remembering me,
but not as I truly am, only as I’d like to see myself.
With you gone, I don’t know what to do with myself.
I stand in the center of the living room with my hands on my hips,
my hair a shambles haloing my head.
I walk through each room of the house this way,
assessing the situation and making notes for improvement.
I turn the T.V. on too loud,
I crack open an orphaned beer and bind my hair in a knot.
“This is what it would be like if…,” but I don’t finish the sentence
there is no need to give extra significance to this temporary situation.
Navigating the Divorce
PuisiSeries of chronological poems from the point of decision until.... It never seems over even when it's over.