Leo, the omega

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Hello fireflies. It's Leo. @@ Kidisn asked me to tell you about my new life. It's not easy to summarize everything that's going on in my life right now. But if I had to use just a few words, then I would say that .... I'm happy. Yes, in my present life, I am finally happy. Ravi is the most sublime thing that could happen to me in life. He understands me, he takes care of me and especially every day I discover how different he is from other alphas. I feel lucky to be next to him. But I went too far in the story. Um ... let's go back to our first night together.

I had suggested to Ravi to make me his. To claim me as his. I could not continue to pretend in front of him. I could no longer hide my feelings for this man, especially if he had just made a love declaration. Never in my life had anyone suffered for me. Never a person had been interested in my sorrows, my sufferings. Yet a man had just done it and in addition it was an alpha. I was ready to give up my way of life for him. I knew I was in danger of losing my job. But for Ravi, I was ready to make that sacrifice. He had taken me in his arms as soon as the door of my apartment had closed on us. His kiss was sweet and asking. Ravi's body enveloped me and gave me a feeling of comfort, but I could not let him touch me right away. Not in the state where I was. So I pushed him away and headed for the bathroom. " What is happening ? You do not want to do it anymore?» Ravi asked me worriedly. "Yes, but I'm not insensitive to the point of offering you my body knowing that another man has just touched me. I'm going to take a shower, "I replied. Ravi nodded. I gave him a smile before entering the bathroom. I did not want Ravi to understand the situation. I felt dirty. So dirty. I felt impure of Ravi's love. Tobi and his client touched me and I did not do anything to stop them. I had to remove the trace of their hands on my body. So, I put myself in the shower and I began to rub my body. The more I rubbed and the more I felt dirty. I wanted to live up to Ravi's love, but I did not feel worthy, not up to it. I started to panic. Then I felt hands rest on my waist and Ravi stuck to me in the shower. "Hush ... I'm here. I will take care of you. Now you're not alone, "he says. I wanted to shout that he did not understand, and that he was making the wrong choice by agreeing to become my companion. I would have liked to tell him that he was young and had a bright future in front of him, and that he should not waste it on going out with me. But my mouth was closed. I did not want to lose him. I felt he was my last chance. Ravi started scrubbing my back, then my belly, then he went down on my legs. His gesture was so sweet, so sweet. It was the first time for me that I received such sweetness. I thought back to all the alphas that hurt me, and I felt myself begin to cry. I absolutely did not want Ravi to see my tears. The flowing water allowed me to hide them, but deep inside me, I felt that Ravi understood. He had felt it. I know he was careful not to look me in the eye so I could cry calmly. He also said sweet words and it made me want to cry even more. I did not deserve this man, I said to myself.

After a few minutes, his hand moved over my crotch, and my tears turned to something more intense. Without telling me, Ravi had begun to massage this sensitive part of my anatomy, then he put it in his mouth. The warmth of his mouth gave me the thrill and a dazzling pleasure began to be born in me. I was unable to move. His mouth was busy in me and his hand began to caress my buttocks. I can not remember the number of people who have benefited from my services since the beginning of my career, but I think I would remember forever this magical moment. I remember my emotions, my fear and the pleasure I received. I was afraid it would stop, afraid that Ravi would reject me. He took me in his arms and carried me to the bed in my room. Then he gently placed me on the bed. "I'm still wet. We'll get cold, "I say. "I'll warm you up," Ravi replied. I saw him naked then for the first time. Naked, in front of my eyes. I could not believe it. This man was handsome and he was mine. I reached out and he came naturally to join me in the bed. Ravi kissed my body. He was sweet. It looks like he was scared to break me. " Ravi, I'm not fragile, you know," I said, smiling. He looked at me then with a very serious look. "I'm not trying to fuck you. I want to make love to you gently, tenderly, passionately until your body only remembers mine. I want your body to remember only me, "he says. I crossed my legs at his waist. "Then make me yours," I replied. Ravi melted on my lips and gave me a long, languorous kiss. He went down my body and was busy giving me pleasure. I had never known such sweetness and it touched me a lot. The tears I had hidden in the shower started to flow again. I wanted this man. I think I would die if one day he left me. "Are you sure you want to do it?» Ravi asked me one last time. He seemed worried. "More than anything in the world," I say. Before he took action, I stopped him: "Are you sure you want to end your life with an omega like me?» I asked. "I do not see in you an omega, but a man whom I have learned to love. I love you and I want to be the only man in your life, "he replied. So I welcomed him with joy. Ravi penetrated me and our two bodies were one. I had never known such intense desire, and my body began to produce pheromones that made my alpha to the edge of enjoyment. Ravi put me on my belly and I felt his teeth sink into my neck. He had just bitten me. He had just claimed me as his. I could not be happier.

Since that evening, a year had passed. I became more attached to my alpha and I even met his family. I understood Ravi's anger and I regretted my actions when I saw his father. The old man and I had a lot in common. He regretted the choice of his life and was glad that Ravi took care of me. I too was happy to have Ravi in ​​my life, otherwise I would end up like this man, full of regret. I am happy to have changed my life before losing myself completely. I also met Ravi's brother. He was also an alpha. His brother had married an alpha woman and today had a lovely family. I love to visit them to play with children. Ravi also liked to see me so close to his family. One day, he made me a surprise and showed me the picture of a little boy. " Who is it ?» I asked. "Our future child. I started an adoption procedure. He is a five-year-old omega who lost his parents in an accident. I thought you'd be happy to take care of a child, "he says. Happy ? I would love to have a child, but I was scared. I knew the life of an omega. I knew the sufferings of an omega. I was one. "Why an omega?» I asked. "Because just as you were able to take charge of your life, I want you to be able to change the life of another omega. I want him to be given all the love he can have. I want him to feel like a human being, not just an omega. I want him to be happy, and for that he can not find a better father than you. And if one day, we have children, I want them all to be treated in the same way: alpha, beta or omega. Ravi said. As always, he had reached my heart. And I loved him even more. I understood his speech perfectly. I was an omega and had suffered all my life. I also met other omega who lived this same suffering.

A few months earlier, a young recruit had come to our department. He reminded me of me a few years ago. He was smart, brave, hardworking and hopeful. He hated the man I was. I could not blame him, my reputation had preceded me. He had told me in the face that I must be ashamed of myself for agreeing to sleep for work. He had spoken to me about virtue and values. He had boasted of his integrity and that even if he was an omega like me, he would never agree to sleep with strangers. Ravi had almost hit him, Hyuk and I had to intervene. I could not hate this kid, he was right. Ravi had forgiven me but I did not expect everyone to do the same. I still had my job, but I knew the boss would soon find a replacement. I had not been useful to him since Ravi and I were in a relationship. The rumor was true. An omega in couple could not sleep with other men anymore. So, my boss could not use me anymore to satisfy his customers. That's when I heard the news. The new recruit had been invited to a party. I knew very well what it meant. I still remembered the evening when everything had changed for me. That evening that made me a man without virtue. I did not want it to start again. I did not want that kind of life for this kid. So, I warned the police, Ravi and Hyuk. They had arrived in time to prevent a rape. But the rumor was quickly spread and my boss, or former boss and some of his accomplices had been put in prison. Why ex-boss? Because Ravi, Hyuk and I started our own company. We also recruited this young omega. We could not leave him alone, Hyuk is crazy about him. I did not think he would end up in the arms of an omega, but hey ... um ... I'm happy for him. In a few months, my family will grow and I will be even happier. Who would have said a few years ago that Leo would start a family? Thanks to Ravi, today I have a new life. I am proud to say that I am an omega who has married a loving and adorable alpha. Today, I am proud of myself.

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