How to calm his boss ?

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" Where are the others ?» His boss asked, waking up. Ravi picked up his clothes and handed them to him. "They went home," he replied. Leo took his clothes and started to put on his shirt. "Pass me what's in the right pocket of my jacket," Leo asked. Ravi obeys his order. He put his hand in the right pocket of his boss's jacket and took out some tablets. "I see contraceptive pills as well as supressants," says Ravi. "Yes, give it to me, I need it" says his boss. Ravi handed him the tablets and went to get him a glass of water. Leo started to cough when he took the first sip. Ravi approached him and patted him on the back. " are you OK ?» He asked. Leo continued to cough. He managed to swallow his pills afterwards. "Have you once swallowed sperm?» Asked his boss. Ravi was shocked. No, it had never happened to him, and that would not happen to him one day. He did not understand his boss's lifestyle choice. "Sorry, I forgot you were an alpha. You do not risk to understand me. The taste is not pleasant and it gives me nausea every time. But nobody takes care of my personal opinion. The alphas do what they want. Because I take my pills regularly, they do not hesitate to do everything they want with me, and just for this lack of consideration, I wish they all die "says his boss by pronouncing each word fervently. Ravi remembered very well the look of his boss. This man did not like alphas, it could be seen. As an alpha, he did not know how to react. "Do you want to drink something? A drink could help change the taste, "Ravi asked. Leo shook his head. "Call a cab, I want to go home," said Leo. Ravi complied.

In the taxi, the atmosphere was tense. Ravi could not help but relive the events in the restaurant. He had just discovered something that shocked him. His boss sold his body for contracts. He did not know how to interpret this situation. Should he get angry? Should he hate Leo? He knew little about the world of omegas. He knew only the reality of his father's life, and since he had left the house, he had done everything to no longer be in contact with an omega. Yet, he was faced with an omega ultra open on his nature and that had no taboo. He should hate Leo but it was not what he felt. On the contrary, he pitied him. His boss said he was proud of his life, but Ravi could see the sadness on his face. The pain and frustration was part of Leo, and Ravi saw the marks left by the strings used to bind his boss during his antics. Leo kept massaging his wrists that had turned red and sore. Ravi saw all this, but he could not react. It was the lifestyle choice of his boss. "Stop looking at me, otherwise I'll feel uncomfortable," his boss's voice said. Ravi realized that he had not stopped staring at Leo. He lowered his eyes. A laugh was heard. "You must not be lucky. Discover his boss in this position after only one week of work? You must hate me now, "said Leo. Ravi was silent. He did not know how to respond to this statement. Leo turned to him. "Look, I did not expect that to happen that way. The new ones do not have to suffer this situation, but what happened happened, and I do not expect to apologize so sooner you will forget this story and the sooner you will feel better, "he says. Ravi did not agree. " Why do you do that ? Why do you agree to sleep with them?» Ravi asked. Leo looked at him with big eyes. "Are you joking? Do you think an omega has the ability to climb the ladder just because he is good? Are you stupid? In this society the alphas inherit everything.» Leo replied angrily. "But isn't it difficult for you?» Ravi asked. "What? » Replied his boss. "Isn't it difficult to sleep with anyone without knowing them?" Ravi asked again. Leo looked at him oddly. "Unlike you, I am an omega. My only strength is my ability to provide alphas fun. So I use that force to get to the top, "said Leo calmly. He seemed sad, Ravi thought. "But .... should not this kind of thing happen between lovers?" Ravi asked. His boss seemed bored. He turned to the other side and looked through the window. "You do not look like an alpha. You're weird, "said Leo before pretending to sleep. Ravi realized that the discussion was over. He stayed in his corner and pondered the situation. What had happened in his boss's life to make him such an insensitive person?

A few days later, Ravi had not forgotten his evening at the restaurant, but he was working less and less with his boss. Leo went out most often with Hyuk and Ravi knew now what could happen during their outings. One morning, Hyuk had come to give him the car keys of the boss. "Hold it. The boss said you were now the assistant in charge of his movements, "says Hyuk. " Me ? Why ?» Wondered Ravi. "I'm on a new project and I would not often have free time so it's up to you now to take care of the boss," Hyuk replied. He gave him a cheering smile and left the scene. Ravi was shocked. Leo had been avoiding him for days, so why did he have to take care of him now? He saw his boss leave his office. He did not seem to be in good health. "I have a business meeting, get the car out," said Leo. Ravi nodded and went out to get the car. He did not know what was there, but Leo was not well, he was sure. He continued driving while watching his boss sitting behind through the rearview mirror. " Is everything alright ?» He asked. His boss did not answer him. So Ravi continued to drive. When he arrived, he got out of the car and opened the door to his boss. A strong smell filled his nostrils. What was that. This smell was both fierce and sweet. She made him want to .... want .... "Do not approach me. Call Hyuk, "Leo shouted. Ravi stopped dead. Has his boss entered his heat period? So he had just smelled the smell of his boss's pheromones. " Do not come near me. Everything will be back in order as soon as I took my pills. In the meantime go to the meeting. I'll meet you in a few minutes, "said Leo. "Are you sure you're fine?» Ravi worried. "I'm fine then go now," Leo said before closing the car door. Ravi stayed there for a few seconds without knowing what to do, and then he obeyed his boss's orders. Leo would be better in a few minutes. He was going to give him time.

Fifteen minutes had passed and Leo was still not there. Ravi had a hard time keeping the customer's attention who absolutely wanted to see Leo. After a few moments his phone began to vibrate. Ravi answered. "Ravi, it's Hyuk. Are you with Leo? He is not doing well right now. I received his message, and I tried to contact him several times but he did not answer.» Hyuk said in panic mode. Ravi was scared. He stood up, apologized to the customer and ran to the parking lot. He had to help his boss. When Ravi opened the door of the car, the sight that was offered to him was staggering. Leo was half naked. He had one hand on his penis and another kneaded his nipple. The smell of his pheromones filled the whole car. Ravi had trouble breathing properly. What should he do? Leo seemed to have taken his medication, but it did not seem to work. Ravi felt a hand grab him and pull him inside the car. He found himself lying on top of his boss. "Do it," says Leo. "Do what?» Ravi asked. "Put it in me," Leo replied, trying to undo his employee's trouser belt. Ravi then understood the situation. No, he did not want to do that. He had lived his life and had seen the ravages caused by the attraction of alphas to omega pheromones. His father also seduced the alphas and slept with anyone at the time of his heat. No, he did not want to be part of the alphas who took advantage of this situation. He did not want to hate himself or hate his boss. "No, I would not do it," said Ravi. Leo pushed him away and sat on him. He presented his nipple. "Lick it," he said. "No, I'm not that kind of alpha," Ravi refused. "There is nothing else you can do. I must be relieved so comfort me, "said Leo rubbing his pelvis against his employee's. Ravi shook his head. "Do you really make me think you're different from other alphas? Do you think you can resist me?» Leo said. Ravi saw him take his hand and direct him to his behind. Leo inserted himself one of Ravi's fingers in his ass. Ravi heard him moan with pleasure. So, that was the life of an omega? he says to him. That was what his father did with other men. "Are you really different from other alphas? You're not honest with yourself, but I'm glad to see this part of you being honest, "Leo said, letting his hand slip on Ravi's hot member. When did he manage to open his pants? wondered Ravi. This situation was far too much for him and he felt that he could not keep his resolution for a long time. It was at this moment that the door of the car opened. Hyuk appeared: "Sorry for the delay boss," he said. Leo broke away from Ravi. Hyuk put on his clothes and put him in his personal car. The two men left the parking lot leaving a very lost Ravi.

Hello my fireflies, then two chapters in the same day, you are lucky and spoiled. Lol. Leave me comments to tell me what you think of this story. The Leo of this story is an extrovert man and open to what he loves and hates. I hope you will like him and this story too. I am waiting for your comments and votes. «33333

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