Ask 589

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Ask 589 about anything that you don't know!

How to tie your shoelace, where is your lost cookie, Everything! They can answer all of your questions! Well...not really... XD hahaha


Ei Takamoto:My OC.Shes only there to help 589 and sometimes,to troll around XD haha

5 (Bartz Klauser):The a-dork-able brown-haired guy :3 

8(Squall leonhart):The anti-social one :P 

9(Zidane Tribal):A monkey-boy who's always stealing my snacks >:( (hes a thief after all :P )

and some random people who came out of nowhere will be a part of this random fanfic :3

So uh.. ask anything..? XD haha

My first story by the way >_< (woopee!)

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