5th question

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Asked by me!! xD haha ( I wanna ask too y'know.....)

To Bartz: What if Terra roast ur chocobo (Boko) w/ her fire magic?

To Squall: Do you love ice cream?

To Zidane: Would you fight Kurumi Tokisaki?


Bartz: *sobs* Why roast Boko??!!! Can she just roast another chocobo???!!

Ei: *evil chuckle*

Bartz: Then I'll smash Terra to death then! *release WoL's sword*

Ei: O_________O""


Terra: W-What do you mean??!!

Bartz: Ei-chan said you roast my chocobo!

Terra: E-Eh??! *sweatdrops*

Ei: *popped out of nowhere* I said "What if Terra roasted your chocobo" not " Terra roasted your chocobo and ate it!" -_-

Bartz: E-Ehhh.... *sweatdrops*

Terra: Ei-san, why am I involved to your question???

Ei: You're the only one who can cast fire magic properly....

Terra: B-But....what about Luneth-kun? Cloud-kun?

A/N I don't know Onion Knight's real name but I heard its Luneth so I decided to use it here~

Ei: Not good enough.....

Terra: B-But I can't kill my friends, even their pets.......

Ei: Meh, its just a question....

Bartz: Ugh.....


Squall: I-Ice cream?

Ei: Yep.

Squall: Well..uh....

Ei: Oh come on! Ice cream's are so yummy and you don't like them?! 

Squall: Well.. I like it a bit....

Bartz: *mimics Squall's voice* and they're so yummy that I want to eat more~! I don't even care if Ei runs out of money, I would count on Zidane to steal them anyway~! Ice creams are like flavored clouds!!! Ohhh they're so yummy~!!! ICE CREAM I SCREAM!!!!

Squall: O_O

Ei: Oh my REALLY?! :D :D

Squall: I-I didn't say anything! Bartz did! Again!

Bartz: *fake sobs* S-Squall, why would you say that? I didn't do anything!

Ei: pfftt....

Zidane: Sure Squall~ You can count on me on stealing ice creams!!!

Squall: *Rage mode*

59 and Ei: Uh oh......RUN!!!! *run away*

Squall: $$%$^$$#^(*(@&*)*(&%$@#@#%$^*&(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Zidane: Kurumi Tokisaki?

Ei: *Shows picture*

Zidane: OHH!!! SO BEAUTIFUL AND HOT!! but why would I fight her? Nah who cares? If she lose, shes gonna go out with me! Hahahahaha!!!

Ei: (He has no idea how strong Kurumi is...Hes gonna be doomed.....)

A/N: I just made this because I have writer's block of my oneshot story (crossover :3 Final Fantasy x Sword Girls) and I need to remade and arrange some mistakes, while doing that, I update this story w/ my own question (I wanna ask too y'know.....)

If you approve with my crossover oneshot, please lemme know. OuO

And please also ask. You can ask questions to each of them. (anything ok? :3)


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