4th question

81 1 5

Asked by wisteria-anime  (I already updated it~)

If you we're to be an animal, what animal is it?

Ei: Okay whos first?

Zidane: Oh oh! Me! Me!

Ei: Hmm.. Ok Zid what's your answer? o.O

Zidane: A bear!!!!

Bartz: *amazed*

Squall: *facepalm*

Ei: Srsly, a bear? Why??!! O.O

Zidane: Because its very strong and big and cute! Just like me! ((o(^w^)o))

Ei: *ehem* to be honest, ur not that strong enough, u can't even beat that golden huge lion by yourself -_-. Ur also not that big, u can't even reached that jam u wanted for ur sandwich (located on the highest shelf), u even asked WoL to reach that for ya, and lastly, ur not that cute at all.....

Zidane: *sobs* HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME!!!! 

Ei: Woah woah calm down sheesh -_-

Zidane: *sniff* *sniff*

EI: (Such a crybaby -_-) Ok ok how about monkey?

Zidane: *sniff* m-monkey??

Ei: Its fast, cool, and sneaky. Just like you.

Zidane: Well..is it cute too?

Ei: Well its...well...you know....uh.......yes(?)

Zidane: Well Okay! Its decided! I am now officially a monkey! 

Ei and Squall: *sweatdrops*

Bartz: My turn?

Ei: Yep. So?

Bartz: I wanna be like Boko~

Ei: You mean chocobo?

Bartz: Yes! How did you know?! Were u spying on me?! OAO"

Squall: Dude, you told us about it every time!

Ei: *nods* -_-

Zidane: True dat..

Bartz: Oh *sweatdrops* ahehehe~

Ei: Now its you're turn, Squall!

Squall: Uh.... can I take a wazz??

A/N: Wazz=Pee I got that from the show Victorious

Zidane: No wazzy!

Bartz: Its just a short question, Squall. you can handle it right?

Squall: (Uh...Mission to escape fail....)

Zidane: No escaping now Squall! >:D

Ei: I always wonder what animal would Squall wanted to be.. :3

Bartz: Spit it out Squall!

Zidane: Spit it!


Squall: OK OK I'LL SPIT IT OUT!!!! sheesh....

59 and Ei: *curious eyes*

Squall: L-Lion?

Zidane: Eh?

Bartz: Why lion?

Squall: Dunno. It just popped to my mind... Now I can really go to wazz now?

Ei: Is that for real now?

Squall: Y-Yes!!! Come on! I don't have time!!!

Ei: Ok....

*Squall leaves the room*

Zidane: Ei-chan why lion?

Ei: He just said it just popped to his mind right? -_- r u guys deaf?

Bartz: No! It actaully means that lion has a meaning!

Zidane: Really?! OuO

Bartz: Owyizz~

Zidane: Oh holy Bartz~! tell me what is it!!

Bartz: Lion actually means blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah....

Zidane: Oh......

Bartz: Blah blah blah!

Zidane: OH!!! OuO~!!!!

Ei: Idiots.......

A/N I really made Bartz say blah blah because I'm to lazy to type :3 hahahaha @wisteria-anime sorry if its too boring :( ajujuju QuQ but hope u guys like it~ btw the golden lion is Nold from Sword Girls :D and WoL means Warrior of Light (dunno his real name) ...........

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