2nd question

93 3 5

Asked by love-ya-all

If you're going to confess, how will you do it?

Ei: Haha.. nice question :3 so guys??

Zidane: Easy. Just be straight and be cool and be good-looking too ;) *le sips iced tea*

Ei: Hey! Thats my iced tea! 

Zidane: Haha sorry *returns iced tea to Ei*

Bartz: Dunno, be calm I guess.....

Squall: Does it matter?

Ei: Oh come on! Squall!

Bartz: *Mimics Squall's voice* I will do it with a kiss and a hug >_<

Squall: *blushes* wait...What??!!

Zidane: Awww. I never thought Squall would be this sweet~!

Ei: But he's not going to confess to you y'know -_-

Zidane: Haha I know that :P Who do you think I am, gay?

Ei: Well....duh...

Squall: I-I didn't say that! Bartz did! He just mimicked my voice!

Bartz: Huh? I didn't do anything :/

Squall: Arrggghh!!! Stop pretending like you DONT!!!! *punches Bartz in le face*

Bartz: Owww!!!

Zidane: Cool a fight! *Nomnom the popcorn* XD

Ei: Thats also mine! *steals popcorn* >:(

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