3rd question

90 2 8

Asked by love-ya-all (agen~ haha thnx very much)

If you're trapped in a room with gays, what will you do?

Squall: *spits root beer* Whatt??!!

Zidane: Huh?? HUH??

Bartz: *confused* Ei-chan, define gay...

Ei: Actually gay has 2 meanings.

Bartz: What are those? :/

Ei: Gay is an another term for happy,

Bartz: and...?

Ei: The other gay is uh......boys who like boys....? (._.)

Zidane: You mean boy like boy?

Ei: Yes.

Bartz: Then what kind of "GAY" is the questioner talking about?

Ei: The "boy like boy" one....

Bartz: Eh...uh... I don't know the answer... ;( Zidane?

Zidane: Dunno too ;( Squall?

Squall: Don't ask me ;|

Ei: Ok...Since u don't know the answer.... 

589: W-What are u gonna do??? O_O







589: HEYY!!!!

Ei: Oh come on guys! Its just 25 minutes! -_-

Bartz: 25 minutes??!!

Zidane: What are we going to eat??

Ei: Theres a pack of cookies there its still edible.. Okay now??

Squall: What are we going to do here in this small basement?? o.O

Ei: Nah just see ;) Bye guys~ *slams door*

*inside the basement*

Bartz: Its okay guys its just 25 minutes. Besides, we have snacks ;)

Squall: Easy for u to say! What are we going to do here anyway?? Besides, its so HOT IN HERE!!!

Tidus: Haha I know right? *wipes sweat in his forehead*

Squall: Huwat da?!! Tidus? What are you doing here????

Zidane: And how long are you here?

Tidus: Oh the short-haired girl brought me here along with Cloud, Cecil and Firion 3 minutes ago. :/

Squall: Sh-short haired??

Tidus: Owyizz u know her?

Squall: Yep. She's the one who also brought us here -_-

Tidus: I know that :P haha

Zidane: Wait... Cloud? Cecil? Firion? Where are they?

Firion: *yawns and gets up*

Bartz: Oh there he is~

Zidane: and Cloud? Cecil?

Cecil: I'm here~ *wipes sweat around him* Its hot in here...

Tidus: Eh Cloud? He was here a second ago?

Bartz: And so are the cookies!!

Zidane: What???!!

*nomnomnom munch munch munch*

Squall: Hey whats that sound?

Cloud: *nomnom* :T

Zidane: HEY!! Don't be so greedy!! Gimme one too!

Bartz: Gimme one too~! *Charges to Cloud along with Zidane*

Cecil: Hehe XD

Tidus: Wewzs :P

Cloud: Fine Fine! Here! And get off me!

Zidane and Bartz: Omigosh! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU CLOUD!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! *Hugs Cloud very tight as in soooo tight*

Cloud: Owww!! >^<""

Cecil: Haha they're so GAAYY~!!

Firion: Gaayyy~~!!!

Tidus: I knoowww~! Right??!!!

Squall: G-Gay??!!! (Is Ei behind this???) O_O

Cecil: Oh Squall? 

Firion: Woah whats wrong??

Tidus: Heat stroke maybe?

Squall: (Argghh that Ei!! I'll get you after this 25 minutes!)

*outside le basement*

Ei: Looks like they're having fun after all >_< hehe

Sita: Ei-chan!! Where's my cookies??

Ei: You'll get it later. :3

Okay in case you don't get it, the "gays" , in Ei's case, are Cloud, Cecil, Firion and Tidus. Ei didn't tell them any of this because if she did, they'll freak out like wutt?? :3 ahahahaha Although Zidane and Bartz are acting gay here, but they didn't know (because they're so a-dork-able :3 muhahaha) 

Ei planned SquallxCloudxFirion, TidusxZidane, and BartzxCecil XD hahaha (just 4 fun well...for her :P)

But it ended up ZidanexCloudxBartz (only because of the cookies XD.. well everyone loves food..duh... :3 ) and Cecil became gay (well the other kind of gay) because of this XD hahaha

Oh and Sita? Shes Ei's pretend imouto (little sister) only because of FOOD~! (See everyone loves food) Not my OC though


If you still don't get it please comment desu~ thnx in advance :3   n(_ _)n

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