Chapter 22

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Laowen showed the way to the dining hall  and upon entering there was a round half circle table everyone was there except for two Ren and the weapons Sir. Rin sat next to Mein at one end at the table. At the other end of the table was the couple of the lumber district. at the head of the table was a deep red hair coloured guy, but had bright hazel eyes this person was Roderich without the ink in his hair then a person walks in.

" what's up" He says walking in from a room and he takes the last seat next to Mein who cringes and wrinkles her nose at him. he notices this and he turns to face her. "well i don't like you either" he says sticking his tongue out.

"okay you two, let me introduce everyone over here" he gestures to the Couple ""these two are the leaders of the lumber district Svante Lancaster Axil and his wife Tina Vixen Vainam"

"h-hallo" Tina says

"hm" Svante says only, but bows his head a little

"okay and over here" he gestures to the other guy "is the leader of the weapons district Luciano Adolfo Silvestro"

"what's up everyone" Luciano says waving his gloved hand.

"And over here" now at Rin and Mein "is the princess Arinorin Leari Cantorna Finnoria Verwald and her bodyguard and great mage Mein Hao Wang" he says a little distraught about Mein still.

"hello everyone i'm Mein" she says waving and smiling.

"a pleasure to meet you all" Rin says drinking the tea that was placed there and not noticing that Svante and Tina were surprised about her identity. Though she was not surprised by this by how they were acting earlier, she was indeed wearing commoner clothes.

"well now that everyone knows everyone why don't we finish our meal and be on our way hehe" Roderich says trying to keep the awkwardness away, but failing miserably. after that they all finish their dinner in silence, Rin is the first to get up and leave the table and following after her was Mein. "i hope they liked the dinner"

"well i hope that Mein chokes on her own spit" luciano says sneering at the thought of Mein.

"um i don't think is appropriate at the table luciano" rodrich says, and luciano just clicks his tongue and gets up and walks to his room. "okay, so tina what did you think about the two?" he asks trying to lighten the air.

Tina looks to Svante who looks at her, they converse silently, but Roderich only sees them staring at eachother. Rodrich gets up and snaps his fingers and two maids come rushing in and collect the dishes from the table and run back into the kitchen.

"Well i'll be off so if you need me you know to call" Roderich says and walks down to his room, Tina nods and they head off to their room. Over in Rin's room Mein and her are talking to each other.

"I didn't like him he was a total ass" Mein says as she plops down onto Rin's bed and and punches the air as if she were punching Luciano in the face. "What did you think of them, i only like Mrs. Tina, she was too cute"

"Hm i thought they were all fine people, Mr. Svante seemed nice," Rin says sitting on the red and wood bench near the window looking out. She was thinking more about other matters than about the dinner. Mein noticed her far stare out into the distance and walked over to her and sat across from her.

"Hey you feeling alright, homesick maybe?" She asked scrunching her brows a little in worry.

"No i'm just thinking about nothing in particular," she says still looking out the window and sighs.

"Well if you say so," she glances at Rin, "well i'll be going to my room, if you need me you know where i'll be" she gets up and walks over to the door and before she closes it she glances at Rin who only looks out the window.

Once she closed the door Rin walked out to the balcony and looked up to the night sky, 'I wonder how they're doing, i mean i just saw them yesterday but still.' She taught and the wind blew softly under her white night gown. 'How long will i have to stay here, a year sounds really long to me right now.'

She walked right back into the room and shut the doors behind her and turned off her lamp next to her as she crawled into bed. She slowly drifted into slumber, her dreams taking over and she fell asleep.

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