Finding The Mutt

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Chapter 9

All of a sudden, we arrived at this crowded place with loud music, echoing throughout the street. It looked dark from the outside but full with life inside, making me certain that the wolf would strike here...

"GPS says this is the place," Clay said, driving forward before stopping the car.

He then turned to Elena and said...

"What are you doing?" Clay asked as Elena began unbuttoning the top of her top.

"I'm going in alone with Kat," Elena answered.

"That's not going to happen," Clay said.

"Relax Clay, Elena and I got each other's backs," I said, applying lip gloss on.

"I can't sit here waiting for you both, I'm coming in with you," Clay said.

"Right because you'll blend in so well," Elena said, taking off jacket.

"That's not what this is about is it?" Clay asked.

"Kat and I can handle this okay? You're so uptight they'll think you're a nark," Elena said, putting lipstick on.

"Okay look, you have to stop believing I can't control myself. It's unfair, besides we're better when we have each other's backs," Clay said.

"Okay but if he's in there, the three of us going in at the same time-" Elena said before Clay interrupted Elena.

"Is liable to spook him, you're right. I'm driving towards that door, I'll grab him on then way out," Clay said.

"That's actually not a terrible plan," Elena said.

"It's not my first mutt hunt," Clay said.

"I hoped my hunting days were over but once more into the fire right? How do I look?" Elena asked Clay.

"Perfect," Clay answered.

"Let's go Kat," Elena said before heading out of the car.

I then followed before walking along with her and to the party. As we walked along, I said...

"And who would want to come here?" I asked.

"Someone with seriously bad taste in parties," Elena answered.

We then finally reached the door before I said...

"So, how do I look?" I asked before entering the party.

"Amazing," Elena answered.

"Thanks," I said before we walked in to the loud and very crowded party.

Walking in, it was very bright and it looked like everyone was having the time of their lives. Just then, Elena and I spotted a man who stood very still and we immediately realized he was the mutt. We continued to walk towards him before we finally were standing right next to him.

"You know who we are?" Elena asked.

"I know what you both are. I can smell it, seems you two and I share something very special in common," he said.

"And what's that?, we couldn't be more different. You killed three innocent people," I said.

"They break so easily now, I love this," he said.

"What you broke are the rules. Killing people isn't allowed," Elena said.

"You ever seen the look in their eyes when they're about to die. When they realize that you are death. I'm not going to let your rules ruin my fun," he said.

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