Training Before Meeting With Koenig

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Chapter 31

All of a sudden I awoke, laying next to Nick. I immediately turned to face him before we began smiling at one another.

"Good morning," Nick said.

"Morning," I said.

We then kissed for a small moment before smiling again.

"We should probably get up," I said.

"Yeah we should," Nick said before kissing me some more.

After some moments of kissing, I finally got out of bed and began to get dressed for training. Nick then followed my lead and also began getting dressed before we both finally left the room. We then headed down the stairs and out of the door all ready for training. Once we were outside, Nick went off with Jeremy to train while I went off with Elena and Clay. As Clay, Elena and I got ready to fight, we began to decide which one of us should fight first...

"So, who should start training first?" I asked.

"What about you and I first and Clay can do it next?" Elena wondered.

"Okay sure," I answered before Elena and I got ready to fight.

Elena and I then stood there for a few moments before we began to fight. Elena went in first, throwing a fist as I ducked and repeating that a few times before I backflipped away a few times, giving myself some room to knock her down. After I did this, I then began throwing punches at her before I knocked her down. Once she fell down, I watched as she jumped back up and began constantly throwing punches at one another until I finally knocked her down with one sling with my leg. As she stayed down and it was clear this was the end of our fight, I walked over and helped her up.

"Okay, now it's your turn Clay," I said to him.

"Okay," Clay said.

I then watched them begin to fight before all of a sudden, I felt the need to barf. Feeling this, I immediately dashed back inside the house and ran to the bathroom before locking the door. I then lifted up the toilet seat and held my hair back before barfing in the toilet. I felt so horrible having this feeling and I continued to barf for a while before I finally stopped and flushed the toilet and cleaning myself up. Once I did this, I began to sit by the bath thinking until I finally came to the realization that I must be pregnant. I began to panic a little before I headed back into my room to grab the test. However, once I walked in, I saw Nick standing there getting dressed again after he had a shower.

"Hey," Nick said, drying off his hair.

"Hey," I said, walking in and getting redressed for today.

"How was training?" Nick asked.

"Good, I won," I answered.

"Shall we go downstairs?" Nick asked after we were both ready to help Jeremy.

"Sure," I answered before we headed downstairs and into The Great Room.

As we entered, we both saw Jeremy standing there alone, waiting for us. We immediately then walked in before Nick said...

"You're not ready for this," Nick said.

"My injuries have healed it's fine," Jeremy said.

"One wrong move-" Nick said before Jeremy interrupted him.

"You made your point Nick," Jeremy said.

"Any word from Logan?" Clay asked as he walked in with Elena.

"He said that he'd be here by nightfall. We're going to have to do this without him," Jeremy said.

"What if this deserted factory is just a trap?" Elena asked.

"Koenig prefers to work alone, to be part of an ambush would be beneath him. He's only coming because Santos failed to kill me. There's been a lot of changes over the last few weeks, very emotional it's been very hard on all of us and we have lost Antonio and Pete but we are still one. This is a family and I need you to know that I draw my strength from you, we will end this today," Jeremy explained.

After this encouraging speech, we all headed outside and Elena and I got in Clay's car and Jeremy in Nick's cars before we drove off to meet with Koenig...

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