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I have the perfect song for Max, and I honestly can't wait to show her I think she's going to be so impressed. It sounds weird, but I've been watching her closely, I've noticed how head over heels she is for Quinn and how she just uses Max for her own amusement and it's just not fair. I walk into glee club happily, swaying my hips a little extra to let my skirt sway. I take a seat at the front, sitting back with my arms folded across my chest as Max walks in.
"Max." I look up and groan quietly at the brunette.
"Hey, Marley right?" Max grins, looking at Marley.
"Yeah! I just wanted to tell you, it's an honor to be working with you in this glee club. I've watched all your performances, your dancing is out of this world!" She gushes on and on.
"Thanks, it means a lot to me." Max blushes brightly.
I could literally kill this bitch, I'll admit it; I have a crush on Max. I'm bi, I'm just not out yet and I know Max is too involved with Quinn to even notice me trying to flirt with her, but I'm sure I could easily win her over. I glare at Marley and watch her conversing with my crush.
"Jealousy isn't a good look on you." Jake whispers to me.
Jake knows about my sexuality, I had to tell him. Especially if I'm sleeping with him, or I used to.
"I'm not jealous, she's just all over Max and she's clearly not interested." I hiss.
"Sure." Jake laughs dragging on the word.

Marley finally sits her fat ass down and Max just grins now that her ego has been filled. I could easily fill that a little more, I like when she smiles. It's a good look on her.
"Okay, so who wants to go first with singing about their partner."
I shove my hand up quickly which makes Max raise an eyebrow.
"Okay, Kitty. You can go first."
I stand up, strutting confidently towards the front of the room.
"Max was my partner, and even though we only talked once; I've learned a lot about her through my amazing people skills."
I look at Max who just nods for me to continue, so I start singing.

[A/N: Just imagine in the music video it's Max who's in the media and Kitty, also Quinn!]

I make sure to dance around the room, sitting Max in the middle as I sing to her. She seems impressed, but pissed too? Maybe I've screwed this up already.
"Thanks for that, Kitty." Max nods and stands up. "Who's next?"

I walk out of the school building, holding my jacket over my head to cover myself from the rain. I look up and see Max standing there, soaking wet from the rain as she tries to cover her cigarette she's smoking. I walk towards her cautiously in case she really is pissed at me.
"Hey, where's the truck?" I ask.
"It's at home, I got a ride from my dad...but I'm going to have to walk since he's so busy."
"Well, why don't I give you a ride?" She looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "You can smoke in the car as long as the windows down, and I'll give you the aux cord!"
"You had me at smoke."
I giggle lightly and lead her to my car, getting myself in the drivers side and turning the heaters on because damn, it's cold. Max finishes off her cigarette and slides inside.
"I felt rude making the car smell." She sighs and buckles up.
I hand her the aux cord and she happily sticks it into her phone, suddenly country music starts blasting through my car. I turn it down a little so we can talk.
"Don't judge, I grew up on this stuff."
I raise my hands before putting them back down to start the car.
"No judgement here, makes a difference to my music." I laugh and start driving.
"So, what was that song for?"
I gulp as we come to a red light, I look over at the dark haired woman and sigh heavily.
"I just-I've been keeping an eye on you I guess, researching and stuff. I heard from the other cheerleaders that you and Quinn were together, but she was always cheating or something and you always went back. I just wanted you to open your eyes, being used is a shitty thing to do." I shrug and start driving forward again.
"I didn't know how much everyone knew about my life." She chuckles and sighs again. "Thanks, Kitty. I guess you're the teacher now."
I laugh a little and roll my eyes playfully, I start pulling into her neighborhood which she pointed out to me.
"This one here." I stop the car and look at the older girl.
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course, thanks for the ride. You're a good kid." She kisses my cheek softly and gets out the car.
I watch her to make sure she gets inside her home okay, but also because I'm in too much shock to move. She can't do that to me, come on!

Tomorrow, I'll make sure she's drooling over me.

That one Hummel [Kitty Wilde]Where stories live. Discover now