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"When are you gonna tell her?" I roll my eyes at Jake as he follows behind me.
"I don't know, never."
"I think she at least deserves the truth if she's your girlfriend."
I stop, making Jake walk into me which almost knocks us both to the ground. I turn and grab his shirt to pull him down.
"Would you keep your voice down?!" I whisper angrily. "Max could get kicked out."
Jake nods slowly, I let his shirt go and continue the journey to class whilst this ass follows behind me.

"So, has anyone got anything prepared?" Max smiles at us all.
"Definitely not."
"What? You guys have to be prepared!" Max groans and rubs her face in annoyance.
"Why don't you do something then?" Jake laughs.
"Fine, I will."

"There, happy?"
I gulp at the malicious side of my girlfriend. She's pissed, it's pretty obvious and she's grieving, none of us have made her feel any better about this and she's showing that now.
"Max, take a break." Mr Shcue sighs.
"Gladly, this place has no potential winning at any sectional." Max snarls and storms off.

I slide on into the passenger side of the truck where all the smoke is coming from the open window at the drivers side with music blasting. I turn down the music and look at the woman.
"You can't ignore me all day." I sigh.
"This is what I do, Kitty. I push people away, I screw up everything, I hold people at arms length."
"Well, I'm not giving up on you." I raise an eyebrow at her.
"You might as well." Max scoffs and tosses her cigarette out the window.
"Stop it." I grab her face in my hand, squeezing her cheeks lightly. "I'm not giving up on you."
I look her right in the eyes and smile sweetly while she just scowls back at me.
"I really like you, Max...I can't give up on you."
Max grumbles, trying to say something but it just comes out as a mumble.
"I don't speak that language." I tease.
The older woman rolls her eyes and takes my hand from her face gently.
"I said; you won't like me for long. I can get real bad."
"I know, you're the badass Hummel that I'm crushing on and dating." I grin and kiss her nose softly. "Now, give me a smile!"
I roll my eyes playfully then push her mouth up with my fingers to force a smile.
"You're my T bird, remember?"
"I know." I see a hint of a smile on her lips which makes me smile more.
"Now, take me out."

I smile to myself as I lay next to my girlfriend, watching her looking on her laptop for whatever she's researching. She suddenly stops and looks at me.
"You're adorable when you concentrate." I giggle and take the laptop from her hands, closing it over and putting it down. "Give me attention!"
"You're adorable when you get needy." She smirks and climbs on top of me.
"I have something to tell you."
I can't bring down her good mood, I just got her out of this pouty phase! I have to tell her though, she deserves to know the truth.
"I..." I gulp. "I think I love you."
I nod slowly and fake a smile.
"That's all?"
"That's all..."
"I think I love you too, Kitty." Max chuckles and gives me a soft kiss.

Shit, how am I supposed to tell her the truth?

"You didn't tell her?" Jake sighs angrily.
"I couldn't! You saw her yesterday, it took me two whole hours to get her out of that!"
"Kitty, she's going to find out at some point when you start...showing?" He gestures to my torso area.
"I'm aware of that!" I hiss.
"Yeah, so you have to tell her!" Jake yells.
"Keep your voice down! She might-"
"Tell me what?" Max raises an eyebrow as she leans on the door.
I stand there, opening and closing my mouth like a fish trying to breathe out of water.
"Well? I know Jake knows about're talking about me right?" She looks at Jake.
"What?" Max frowns.
"I can't." I mumble and look at my best friend.
"I'm not telling her."
"Someone better tell me." Max frowns more, pushing herself up from the door.
"Kitty's pregnant." Jake spits out.
"You're what?!"
Well, shit. Again.

That one Hummel [Kitty Wilde]Where stories live. Discover now