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I look around the school as I walk down the hallways. This is it, glee club is over and I'm the only loser that stayed to coach these kids. I'm an idiot, I should have just pushed through with LA and done something with my life. I have no achievements and I'm walking into a room of achievers.

"Max." I look at Quinn and roll my eyes.
"Go away." I mutter, keeping my eyes on Finn's plaque.
"I'm sorry for what happened last time I was here." She puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Quinn, you played me." I mutter.
"Look, I have my new boyfriend with me and I want to put everything behind us. I want you to move on."
"I have moved on." I shrug.
"I'm glad, can we just hug and make up?"
I roll my eyes and shrug.
"Why not?"
I pull the blonde in for a hug, picking her up happily which makes her giggle.
"You look good." Quinn smiles as I place her on the ground.
"I don't feel it, everyone's doing something with their lives. Even Britany has! She's a math genius!" I sigh harshly and shake my head.
"Max, you have done so many good things with your life...look at what you came through."
I nod and push my hair back from my face slowly.

I sit at the back of the room with Kitty in front of me, she looks over her shoulder to look at me so I lean forward.
"You could find a dance studio somewhere."
"Really?" I chuckle quietly.
"That could mean we could come out."
"I like that." I nod slowly and lean back.
Why did I get stuck with Quinn's douche of a boyfriend? I look over and roll my eyes before looking at Kitty. We give each other the exact same look of "what the fuck is this guy doing?"

"Come to Breadsticks with us." Santana pouts.
"Oh fine, but you can pay." I look at Puck and smirk.
"Hey guys! Over here!" I roll my eyes with Puck before we take a seat and introduce ourselves.
"I'm Max." I shake his hand.
"Right, you stayed and coached glee club."
"Actually, I was in LA for a while doing a job." I fake a smile.
"I see." Mr Douche nods slowly.
Once he gets up to get something, Puck and I glare at Quinn.
"Does he know about us? About Beth?"
"Better yet, does he know about your little experimentation phase?"
"I'll tell him eventually, and that's one thing I can't tell him." Quinn looks at me.
I raise and eyebrow and look at Santana who's giving me the same look.
"Right, then I'll just leave. Good job, Quinn. You screwed up again." I laugh and get up from the booth before walking away.

"Max, don't you wanna recreate something for us?" Mr Shcue he smiles at me.
"I don't know." I laugh.
"Come on, you did a lot of great numbers in this room."
"Alright, let me think."

"I could have been petty, but I decided not to." I laugh and shake my head.

"Thought I'd find you here." I look at Santana and smile.
"Yeah, it's my place." I laugh and hug my knees to my chest.
"You know, you've done a lot more than you thought you have."
"Like what?" I take a drag from my cigarette.
"You helped me come out, without you there I wouldn't have thought about it, Quinn wouldn't have realized she liked girls at least a little...Finn learned a lot from you too."
"Like what?" I scoff.
"Max, you taught us all about things like addiction; when we had alcohol awareness week and we all wanted to drink for it, you were just out of rehab and you wouldn't freak out, you managed to go to a party and not drink or panic...and you let both Quinn and I sleep in your bed."
I laugh at the last part and look at the Latina.
"I was there too."
"Point is, we both wanted to sleep with you and you told us you weren't doing that drunk."
I nod slowly, feeling the tears building up.
"I don't know what to do." I wipe my eyes and finish the cigarette.
"Come to New York with us."
"I'll think about it, but there's someone here that I can't leave behind."

I stand in front of Kitty, smiling down at her. She's so cute, but I want more than Ohio, more than what's here.
"You want to go don't you?"
"Yeah...I really do." I nod slowly.
"Then go...Max, this isn't what you wanted at all, you came back for Finn. You stayed for him too."
"Look, we can skype, or FaceTime or text, that means you don't have to hide."
"Long distance never works." I mumble.
"It could work...with us."
I gulp back the lump in my throat before pulling her in for a tight hug.
"I love you so much." I whisper to her.
"I love you too, Max...once this week is over, you go to New York with those guys...live your best life okay?"
"What about you?" I let my tears fall from my eyes.
"I'll be waiting, and when I graduate I'll come with you."
"I'll find us an apartment." I grin.
"And you can visit."
"I'll visit as much as I can, you and the kid."
"Our kid." She laughs softly.
"I like the sound of that." I grin through the tears and hold my girl closer.

We'll make it work.

That one Hummel [Kitty Wilde]Where stories live. Discover now