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Evan's Pov

The sun was rising, and the sunlight was bugging me from the window. Might as well get up. I got up and looked down the hall seeing that everyone was still asleep. Might as well make breakfast for everyone. I sure they won't mind me being shirtless. I walked down the steps to the kitchen grabbing the things I need to cook. I started cooking until I heard someone behind me sit down. I turned to see Nogla saying, "Can I have some coffee please?" I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured the coffee in two cups giving one. I looked over Nogla seeing he was blushing. Cute. Wait is he blushing, really? "It smells good," David said practically drooling. "Hey! Don't droll on the table! Let's go wake them up. You wake up Tyler and I'll wake up Craig," I said. He nodded. We walked up the stairs and went to the rooms. I knocked the door to be sure he wasn't up. No answer so I walked in and see a peaceful sleeping face. I walked over to him and started to shake his shoulder. "Hey Mini, wake up", Mini slowly opened his eye lids. His eyes got me. His gorgeous green eyes were cute with his messy hair. Wish they were blue. I know his eye color changed blue and green. Right now, their green. "Morning Evan.... What, why did you wake me up?" Mini asked yawning. "I cooked breakfast. Come on, Nogla is waking up Tyler to. There's also coffee downstairs to." I started to walk out but before I did, I looked at Mini who was blushing red looking at me and turned away. I laugh a little and left to downstairs to get their plates ready.

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Nogla's Pov

I walked in Tyler's room who was still sleeping. I shook him to wake him up, but he grabbed his cover and pulled it over his head. "Come on Tyler, stop being a wuss." "I don't care, leave me alone! Leave me alone and sleeeeppppp!" Tyler said annoyed. "If you don't get up, I will fuckin' tickle you to death until you do," I said as a warning. He threw his pillow at me and turned over. "That's it!" I jumped over him, taking the cover off him, and started to tickle him. "Okay Nogla I- I'm up- s-stop tickling m-me!" He tried saying. I stopped and looked at Tyler who was opening his eyes. I felt lost in his sky-blue eyes. "N-Nogla can you g-get the fuck off me..." It was cute of him stuttering and especially him blushing looking away, but I just realized I was on top of him and quickly got off. "Well umm come downstairs, foods ready." I ran outside the room and started thinking that Tyler looked cute like Craig. I hate to admit but I like these dudes, but I can't tell them because I know they would never accept me. I hate the thought not being able to hang out with the guy's that I love.

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Tyler's Pov
When David left my room I was blushing like hell! I couldn't believe he was on top of me and his green eyes got me. I had to admit. I liked Nogla. I even like Craig, Evan and the other guy's, but they think I'm straight when I'm not. All my friends are straight when I'm not. I liked each one of my friends, but I know they won't like me. I got up putting on a shirt on and heading downstairs. "Hey guy's" I said waving at them. "Hey Tyler, how'd you get over there? I was just eating you" Mini said taking a bite of bacon. I blush and said, "Fuck off Mini." I sat down while Evan gave me a plate full of Bacon. "Ha ha, very funny. Can I have eggs to like everyone." "Sorry I thought you wanted bacon since piggy here-" I cut him off being annoyed. "Ok were done. I'll pour you some orange juice while maniacs there drink their coffee." "Thanks, Mini," I said smiling at him. When I looked at him, I saw a little blush creep on his face. Mini sat down blushing still creeping up. I laughed at it. "We should hang out outside today," Evan suggested. "There's this new ice-cream place they just opened. We can stop by and hang out at the park" Mini said still blushing a little. "Sure, it wouldn't hurt. Let's go out later," Nogla said. I don't if it's just me but Mini looks red even without his cute blush. I started to get worried.

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