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2 years later

Brock Pov.

"Dada!" I turned seeing Zayden and Hunter running to me. I was picking them up from the ice rink. They seemed really interested in hockey when Evan was watching the game on TV and when they heard that Evan played saying he had a good time playing it. "Zayden! Hunter! Wait for me!" I saw Evan coming out with Lui. "You know not to run off on us kids," Lui said.

"Sorry dad and mom," Hunter said in his squeaker voice. Pretty much he got that from Lui. He used his puppy face making some of his blondish hair go over his brown eyes. Zayden did the same moving his brown hair away from his blue eyes making a pout using his dimples. He had to get that from Marcel. Evan just smiled picking up Hunter. "Okay let's go home. Everyone is waiting." I got in the truck letting everyone else get in and we were off. As soon we made it home the 2 ran in. I walked to the living room seeing Brian, Tyler, and Owen watching the TV. Owen turned. I saw his green eyes and black hair spiked up. "Hey Dad, Dada, and Mom." I waved at him letting Zayden and Hunter join them. "Owen scoot over I want to sit next to Ma." Hunter said sitting next to Tyler. I walked into the kitchen to see David and Marcel cooking. "Mama, Papa can I help cook?" Zayden said. "Sure Zayden. We're almost done. Can you set up the table? Brock can you go get Jonathan and Camellia." I nodded going upstairs to her room. I opened the door seeing Camellia and Jonathan with a mess of paint all over. "Okay Camellia I think that's good." Cam nodded. Cam still hasn't said her first word. She can walk a little but as much like her brothers. She was still like a baby. She was a slow gainer. I found it adorable with Jon on his knees next to Cam, painting on her easel. I took my phone out having the camera on. "Hey Jon." He turned to me with Cam turning to. I took the photo. O my god! Both their faces were painted. Cam's face had little butterflies on her cheeks while Jon had smears. I bet Cam wanted her face painted and Jon let her do his. It's was too cute! "Jonathan, Dinners ready. Come on Camellia," I said placing my phone back in my pocket and picking her up to take her to the restroom to ger her clean up a bit since she had paint on her hands and face. I can wash her clothes later. Jonathan came behind washing his hands to and face. After I wiped the last paint on her face, I placed the towel down going downstairs with Jon behind. We all sat down.

"Mama, can you pass the Potato's?"

"Here are the potatoes!" David said. Pretty much we finally had a name for each of us so when they call us, we know which one of us they are calling. Lui was Dad, I was dada, Jonathan was Daddy, Brian was Pa, Marcel was Papa, Mom was Evan, Mama was David, Ma was Tyler, and Craig was.... Mommy.

After we ate, it was time for bed. "Okay kids time for bed. Go change to y'all PJ's and brush your teeth. Will be there in a bit to tuck you in." They nodded. After 45 minutes for the food to settle in. I was tucking in Zayden sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Dada." Zayden looked at me.

"Yea Zay?" I said covering him. "Are we going to-"

"Hey Brock." I looked at the door looking at Jonathan.

"Yea Delly?"

"Have you seen Camellia's bunny?"

"O. Marcel washed it. It should be on top of the dryer." He nodded leaving. "Zay what were you saying?"

"O um nothing Dada. Good night."

"Good night," I said kissing his forehead then left. I went to my room with the guys. I saw Evan, Tyler, Marcel, and David asleep. I went to the side where I slept on the bed. Brian came the room jumped over me. He went into my arms. Silly Brian. I snuggled to him practically spooning him. He hates that but realizes in the morning. Then Delirious came in with Lui. Delirious laid down next to Marcel putting an arm him. Lui Came and laid next to Del hugging him on the waist. I did love these guys. I just wished I had all of the ones I loves here. Without me realizing, I fell right to sleep

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