Baby Don't Cry- Gilinsky

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"Baby don't cry" Jack said softly.

( this has a lot of personal details to my life so I am sorry if you do not like it) Also I know I made Jack younger than he is but in this he is a junior in high school and you are a sophomore






This is not the first time Jack Gilinsky has held me while I cried about some guy that broke my heart. Jack and I meet my eighth grade year just after I got my first boyfriend. Turns out he befriended me because he knew my boyfriend at the time was abusing me mentally and emotionally. Jack was truly there for me when the guy cheated and every time after that. But back to why we are here now. I have been in love with this guy Ryan since like August so basically the start of sophomore year. We started talking and flirting and Jack kept me that he was bad news. Me being me, I could care less what Jack thought about him. That leads to now... This very moment.

*texts between you two (y/n is you and Finnegan is G I do not know why do not judge me)*

Y/N: Can you come over I need someone stuff with Ryan is bad and I am afraid to be alone with myself. The window is unlocked just climb up cause it is late and my parents would kill me if I let you in the front door at this time.

You and Jack do this frequently so he should not be surprised by this. Not even a minute later your phone makes a ping sound. You reach over and see that it is indeed Jack.

Finnegan: Let me throw on a hoodie and some sneakers, I'll be right there

Lucky for us we live across the street from one another.

You hear a tap on your window you look over and see your dork of a best friend pushing up your window.

" He's going to die when I see him" Jack fumes.

This causes you to laugh a little. That is why you asked Jack to come over he always makes you laugh.

" Now I know you probably do not want to talk about it but it will make you feel better to let it out" He adds.

Just the thought of talking about all the things Ryan said makes you sob. Jack comes over to your bed and kicks off his shoes. He gets under your covers and just holds you. You sigh deciding that it is best to get off your chest.

" I basically just snapped him to ask him if he wanted to hangout and he went off about how I am not his girlfriend and that I am a clingy obnoxious bitch who hoe's around. He said he has a life and would not like someone like me and that he just felt pity for me. Then he added the fact that I am a prude and that the girl in his English class is actually hot unlike me." I started balling again.

I left some out and shorted it so Jack would not kill the guy.

"Y/N listen fuck him he's what a freshman who's 14 and you are almost 16. He obviously does not know you because you are the sweetest most beautiful girl I have ever met. I have known you for 3 years and I do not think anything he said is true at all." He hugs you tighter while you are still crying

" Thanks Jack" you manage it get out with a shaky breath.

" He's just a fuckboy who wants sexual acts, you can much better. Maybe a sophomore or a junior." he says almost like he is afraid towards the junior part

Your heart skips a beat. Is he referring to himself? You have liked Jack since last year when he did not go to homecoming with all his friends because you could not find a date and did not want to invade on him. You realize that you have been thinking too long when G looks at you worried.

You manage to stutter out " Thanks Jack, you are a good friend"

You guys are just laying there when you get a text from Ryan saying he's sorry and that he was just stressed and lashed out on you. When you see it you start to cry again. Your phone then begins to ring and Jack answers.

*To Ryan on the phone*

" Listen here you are a fucking child and she has zero time for you. You do this all the time and she has willing let you back even after you made fun of her biggest insecurity. This time it is not happening buddy so go back to your 14 year old mind games with any other girl I could care less because Y/N is done with your bullshit and so am I. If she tells me that you have tried to contact her I will beat your ass and I do not give a flying fuck about the age gap. You hear me STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" Jack says as calm and a quiet as possible

" I could care less about her slutty anorexic ass" Ryan spits out.

You start crying again hearing everything he said. Jacks says something else but you are too busy crying to understand it. Jack blocks Ryan's number and the puts your phone down and then comes back over to you. He places your head in his lap and he plays with your hair. He knows you just need to cry it out and he is going to be here for you while you. It is probably 2 in the morning and you are starting to fall asleep while Jack basically cuddles you. Not in a love way though in a friendly way. Just as you start to drift off you hear him say.........

"Baby don't cry, I am here now and no one will hurt you anymore" Jack said softly.

He must think you are asleep because he without hesitation adds.....

" I love you to the moon back and I just wish you would realize that"

You run your hand down his abdomen to show him you are awake and you look up at him and smile.

You begin to say " Jack, I......"






A/N: HAHAHA cliffhanger anyways this probably sucks but I was feeling down a besided to write now it is 10:33 and I am tired so im going to sleep. Message me requests on here or on my instagram @lyricaljolinsky :)

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