Satan's Wrath

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Tris P.O.V

Let me just say, whoever invented highschool was an idiot. Drugs, bullies, prostitutes&sluts, and pregnancy are cocieved in highschool. I didn't want any of this so I kept to myself, didn't grab any unwanted attention, and I've been doing good for 3 years of highschool, but my plan was about to be compromised when I saw Claire, Satin herself, marching towards me.

"Hey slut!" Satin yelled. I looked around and turned around with a confused look on my face. I pointed to me.

"Yes you. You're the only slut in the hallway!" Satin laughed. God that laugh was so fake and annoying. I hope she doesn't laugh anymore.

"Actually, I'm not a slut ,you are the only slut in the hallway." I replied sassily. What, I have sass?

The crowd, who I hadn't noticed gather, ohhed in appreciation. Satin turned crimson or her true color.

This was the kind of attention I didn't want and it gets even better guys. Guess who was coming over here at this very minute? If you guessed Jake Leafwood then you won. Great. Thanks world now why don't you go and strike me with lightning. Jake Leafwood, captain of the soccer team, dazzling smile, and Satin's "boyfriend." I can't even call them a couple because she's a slut and he's nice. He had dreamy chocolate eyes and his brown hair was always styled messy, but in a hot way. He was slighly tanned due to soccer practices over the many years. I sighed and felt a sharp sting in my chest. Stop. Show no emotion. It will only get worse if you think about Him.

"Oh! Jakey you're here!" Satin said in fake happiness. She looked smug now that she had "Jakey" with her. "Did you come to watch?" She did this while twirling her hair slowly and leaning on him. Can you spell desperate any other way?

"Yeah no. I came to stop you from looking like an ass in front of everyone by picking on a defenseless girl." Jake growled.

"Jakey. Don't do this." Satin said. Didn't look so smug now. "You never take my side on anything!"

"Maybe I would if you weren't such a bit......" he growled.

"Umm. Excuse me? I hate to interupt this lovers' quarrel." I interupted. "But I need to go to Spanish."

"Oh, SHUT UP WHORE!!!" Satin screeched.

"I would rather be a whore than the town slut." I fired back and looked at Jake.

"Thanks for trying, but I don't do the damsel in distress." And with that I walked away with dumbfounded and impressed looks watching me.

Great. Good going Tris. "I like how fiesty you are." I stopped and clutched my chest. No. Not another one. As it started it stopped. You gotta stop Tris. You'll only make it worse.

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while!!:( I've been busy reading fanfictions. They are so good like Claimed. You have to read them. And can you guys reccomend my book to others!! That would help.

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