Hello again

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Jake's P.O.V

I wasn't even listening to Mr.Smith's annual lectures he always gave to the class. I was to busy staring at Tris and remembering her amazing smile and her laugh. I wish I could talk to her again. Then something caught my attention in Mr.Smith's lecture.

"You guys will be pairing up for this project." Mr.Smith said. Hell yes! This could give me a chance to talk to Tris. Pair me up with Tris. I prayed silently.

"Listen for your names and then go sit with your partners. Señor Knight y Senorita Nitas." I grimaced and sighed filled with relief. Poor Matt got partnered with Satin. I gave him my best "Good luck" look.

"Señor Leafwood." Please be Tris. Please be Tris. "Y Senorita Eaton." Hell yes!!!! I shot up from my seat with the biggest smile on my face.Thank you Mr.Smith. And started towards her. She saw me and waved. Okay Leafwood. Do not, I repeat, Do Not screw this up. This is your only chance. Think of something cool, but not cheesy to say to her. I pep talked myself.

When I was near her desk I pulled my best line on her. "Hello again." I said smoothly.

She chuckled. "Well. Hello again,too."

"You're really good at Spanosh, huh?" I asked. Of course she is stupid! You suck at Spanish.

"I know some things in Spanish." she said. I don't know if that came out cocky, but cocky sounded good on her.

"How about, "Where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"Easy. ¿Dònde està el bano?" Tris said with a Spanish accent.

"Wow. Color me impressed. You have an accent,too. Where?" I said letting my curiousity get the best of me.

"Well. Me and my aunt traveled alot to different places and we stayed in Spain for a year."she said.

"That's cool." That's all you could think of. Shut up, I'm trying here.

"Okay now that everyone has their partners we will discuss the project." Great timing Mr.Smith. Note the sarcasm. "You guys will be making either a little skit,story, or something of the creative arts for this project. You could make food, but make sure to have information about it. Make up dances with hand sown dresses. Do anything. For stories or skits have a Spanish speaker say it in Spanish and someone say it in English. It will be due by the End of the year. Now discuss the rest with your partner."

"I know what we should do." I said excitedly. Tris gave me a worried look. "We should do a dance. Like a dance that tells a story?"

"That sounds like a good idea."

Score One for Jake Leafwood!!

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