To Love Him

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[Ginny's POV]

After our date ended, we walked in the Burrow and saw Hermione and Ron sitting in the living room. It appeared that they were watching us kiss in the front yard. I blushed and walked upstairs. Who knew what my crazy brother would do? Hermione took a quick glance at Ron and giggled. Harry began to look around the room and then walked up the stairs to his room blushing. Ron quickly followed him. Hermione asked me to join her on the couch.

"So, how was it?" Hermione asked quietly.
"It was great!" I replied. "I found out so much about him and why he likes me!"
"Tell me," she said.
"Well...he said that I remind him a lot of his mother," I told her.
"Aw...," Hermione said as she put her hands over her heart. "That's so romantic!"
"What were you and Ron talking about?" I asked her.
"Nothing...just thinking about the future and stuff," Hermione answered.

I stood up and took off my shoes as the clock struck eleven.

"I think I might go to bed," I said as I stretched and yawned.
"Same here," Hermione agreed.

We turned off the lights and lamps before we left. The stairs creaked as we ascended up the steps. I walked up into my room and dressed into my night gown. I wrote in my diary to pass the time.

June 7

Dear Diary,
I just finished a romantic date with my life-long crush, Harry. I learned why he likes me the way he does. I look like his mother. My red hair, my blue eyes, and my fair skin. However, I'm hoping he likes me for who I am. Maybe I should try and change something about me to make a difference between his mother and me. Perhaps I should dye my hair, or wear something different.

What also makes me wonder is why he loves me? He doesn't just love me because look like his mother, right? I don't want that. I just really want him to love me for me. Otherwise, what's the point?

- Ginny Weasley

Suddenly, the door opened and my mother popped her head in. She smiled and entered. I sat up and put my diary and quill away. She sat on my bed with a smile. Did I forget something? Was I being punished? Maybe she wants me to move out...

"Ginny, dear," she started, "how was the date?"
"It was great!" I smiled. "I learned a lot about Harry."
"That's good and I'm glad you got back before curfew," my mother grinned. "I just want you to know, that your father shouldn't influence who you date...or when you date."
"I know," I yawned. "I just really want Harry to like me."
"You shouldn't worry about it," my mother assured me. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"
"How does he look at me?" I asked.
"He has eye contact with you," my mother said. "Even when you stop staring at him, he still looks at you."
"I don't want to think about it...," I sighed.
"What's on your mind?" she asked me.
"Well, he kept comparing me to his mother. I want him to like me for me," I explained.
"You should tell him that on your next date," my mother suggested.

I agreed and nodded my head as I yawned again. My mother said goodnight and I turned off my bed side lamp. I laid in my bed, and stared up at the ceiling. Slowly, I fell asleep thinking.


By days and weeks, we dated every single time we had a chance. We've dated about a month and a half. We loved each other so much. At the end of each date, we locked our eyes and kissed once more. Each time, love drew a heart around us and the doves flew pass our heads. However, each date, Harry kept telling me how much I look like his mother. I suppose I shouldn't worry so much.

One afternoon, while Harry and Ron were at work, Hermione and I sat in her bed room and talked about our boyfriends. Hermione had a lot of experience with boys. She and Ron have been dating for over a year!

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