chapter 11 pt2

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Distorted whispers sounded near my aching head. I didn't know who it was, but I really wanted to say that I'm awake and well.

I attempted to open my eyes, but no success. Something was wrong.

I tried wiggling my toes then fingers.. even my hand, but I couldn't feel anything.

Oh my God! I'm in a coma!?

I began to freak out mentally.

I wanted to cry, but it seemed like the tear ducts weren't working either.
The only things I did feel, were the burning sensations in my throat and stomach. And it certainly wasn't pleasant.

In the middle of my mental freak out session the distorted voices came clearer. Then the door closed.

Someone had just left, but I still felt the presence of 3 people in the room. One of them were sniffling... were they crying?? Oh my gosh, I miss them all now.
I miss talking to them. I miss doing any little thing with them.

Wait, how long have I been out??
Just then a conversation began.

At first, I couldn't recognize the voices.

" Is it normal for her to just pass out like that??" The first voice asked.

" No. Neither is it for her to be out for a week." The second voice responded.

I WAS OUT FOR A WHOLE WEEK!? What the hell!

" What if when she wakes up she doesn't remember anything? Remember any of us??"
Oh trust me. I'll remember more than you think.

Wait, let me try to pin point these voices.

" Vampires have great memory. I'm sure she will remember." Mom. That's mom!

" Oh, good. I just wanna make sure that she's ok. " she paused... Oh that is Lauren!!
Aww, she's actually here for me.

I was so busy eaves dropping, I didn't feel a pair of warm hands holding my cold ones. Sofia😭😭

" you can stay here and try. I hope you can find out." Mom replied. " Sofia, let's go. We have to get dinner." She continued.

I basically sensed Sofi's hesitation to go with mom. They eventually left sooner than later.

Now it's just Lauren and I.

She pulled a chair beside my bed and began to talk to me.

" I don't know if you're hearing me, but I just. I really, really miss you. I mean. I know that I've only known you for a few weeks but... it feels like I've known you for an eternity. Or even a last life." She let out a sad giggle. My heart fluttered at hearing it. Isn't there any way that I could talk to her? I heard sniffles. She was crying again. " Your friends miss you. We cant even say what really happened and.. and Dinah. She looks like she's hurting harder than I am. We hope you're awake soon. We miss you very much. Even Sofia. I- just please wake up." She sofly pleaded before she broke down in tears.

Ok, I'm giving this a shot.

C: Lauren.

She still cried. So I tried a bit stronger.

C: Laur.

Come on! Hear me!

C: Lauren!

She stopped crying for a while and I felt her eyes on me.

L: Camz?

My heart fluttered at that Nickname.

C: y- yes.

Next thing i know, there was a warm hug. It was nice and soft too.

C: I'd hug back, but I can't feel my limbs. I can't move.

L: it's ok.-

C: I'm in pain, Lo.

I felt her get sad and worried.

L: Why? Where?

C: In my throat and stomach.

She stayed silent, probably analysing the situation.

L: before you passed into a coma, did you do any hyper stuff. Aside from running away from Chris's blood?

C: um. I've been more than excited all of that week. Not the happy excited though. More like upset.

L: can you tell me why?

If I weren't in a coma, I would let out a shaky yet angry breath.

C: Because, Austin wanted us to get back together.

I felt the wave of anger that radiated off of her.

C: Lo, don't get angry about it-

L: Why didn't you tell me during the week?! I could've helped to prevent it!

C: I didn't want to burden you with any of my problems.-

L: It doesn't matter! Now it's all my fault.

I internally winced at her yelling and harshness.

She felt it and softened her tone.
She paused her pacing and sat next to me on the bed, taking my cold hand into her warm ones.

L: I'm sorry for yelling.

I tried moving my eyes but only felt a slight wiggle. I sighed mentally.

C: it's ok.
How long until I'm out of this coma?

L: probably in a few more days. There's a new pint of blood attached to you everyday-

C: That's too little-

L: Camz. I know you want a fast recovery but, if there's a whole quart injected in you everyday something could go wrong.

I had to think for a while? What could happen.

C: How? What could possibly go wrong?

L:*sigh* you could die due to over intake, or like a drug addict, become dependent and want more of it more often.

Well, shit.

C: Damn. That's terrible.

L: That's why We're pacing it. We want nothing else to happen you.


C: Thanks. This. Is exhausting.

Now I'm running low on energy. Telepathy is tiring 😪

I was going back to sleep any minute now.

L: Yeah, I know. Get some rest. I have to get a couple hours too. You'll be better soon. Just wait and see. I love you.

She placed a kiss on my forehead and sat on the couch near my bed.

20 minutes later, I found out I wasn't as tired as my brain said I was.

I was still thinking how long it would actually take for me to get better. Wouldn't human blood speed up the process?? Then again, I don't wanna get hooked on it. I wanna get better and stay strong, not be a serial killer. If I taste one drop of human blood, I'll be like a crack addict on coke.

My head started to hurt more so I tried to allow my thoughts to die off.

Lauren wasn't any better, she kept tossing and turning where she was. Until she finally got up with a sigh and walked over to me.

" I'm sorry, I can't sleep. I'll just lay beside you." She informed in a hushed voice.

I'm not any better than that warm couch, I'm cold, but ok.

She laid beside me and made herself comfy, and by comfy, I meant: she wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled closer to me.

I thought of how nice her warmth was and how thankful I was for having her with me.

We slowly but surely fell into a peaceful slumber for the night.

I didn't check for errors. So if there's any, please excuse me.💖

Anything can happen (Camren) Book 1*completed* *slowly Editing*Where stories live. Discover now