RYLYN | I Really Love Our Fans

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Hey guys! This is my first one shot in this book. It is a Rylyn one, as when I first started supporting the boys, way back when Brook was on trial, I shipped them so hard. (kinda died when they started kissing in that Christmas vlog) Just wanted to let you all know, everything in this is fake. The name calling and hate isn't real as I know Roadies would never do that to our adorable little Brooklyn. Also if anybody is ever feeling low, I'm always here. Just drop me a message and we'll talk it out. Hope you enjoy my first one shot! -A x
"No." Brooklyn breathed, wiping his tears furiously.

He had been reading hate on Twitter again, despite the boys telling him not to.

He always thought he was the least favorite in the band, little did he know he warmed the fans' hearts. He felt ugly next to Andy's perfect face, Mikeys's muscular body, Jack's adorable dimples, Rye's...


Rye's everything.

Rye was absolutely perfect to him, and though the brown haired boy always kissed him and told him he loved him, he felt like Rye was way out of his league.

Brooklyn sighed, shutting the laptop and flopping down on the bed. His eyes welled with tears again as he thought about all the names he was called.

Ugly, disgusting, fat, childish.

He just couldn't take it.

He let out a sob, hoping nobody outside the flat would notice through the thin walls and echoed hallway. His hope washed away when he heard the door open and footsteps coming towards his bed. He hid his face under a pillow, trying to make himself look asleep.

"Brooky Boy?" Rye walked in the room, examining the pale boy.

"I know you're awake angel." He stepped closer but Brooklyn didn't budge.

He walked to the left of the bed, bending down in front of the boy, who still had a pillow over his head.

Rye lifted the pillow, taking in Brooklyn's red cheeks and glossy looking eyes. He was still so beautiful though.

"Was it you that I heard crying?" He asked softly, rubbing the blonde boy's palm with his thumb.

Brooklyn looked up to Rye, tears already streaming down his face.

It broke the older boy's heart to see his beautiful Brooklyn so upset.

He scooted his boyfriend over, getting in the bed and cuddling him.

Brooklyn cried into Rye's shirt, whispering things that his boyfriend couldn't make out. Except one, "Why do they hate me?" He deciphered*.

Rye felt a tear roll down his own cheek, thinking about the hate him and his band mates get. Brooklyn had the hardest time with it, thinking he was the least favorite.

"I love you so much angel, please don't cry." Rye whispered soothingly.

Brooklyn nodded, wiping the last of his tears and planting a delicate kiss on his lovers lips.

"Jack said he wanted us to go with him to the shops today, do you wanna go beautiful?" Rye asked breathless, after his what was supposed to be a kiss with Brooklyn had turned into a makeout.

"Sure." He replied smiling, pulling his boyfriend off of the bed to get ready.


"Okay guys, there are a lot of fans out there so you're going to have to make this quick." The driver said, sparing a glance at the boys.

They all nodded, exiting the van. Rye grabbed Brooklyns's hand as they made their way through the swarm of fans, giggling when they shouted "Rylyn!"

They stopped for a few photos but when the paps arrived everything got chaotic. They were screaming random questions at the boys, overwhelming Brooklyn.

"Andy, are you and Mikey in a relationship?"

"Jack, is it true you adopted 5 puppies?!"

"Brooklyn, how does it feel being the least favorite of the band?"

The small blonde stopped, turning towards the group of paparazzi.

Fans were looking too, wondering which pap asked the question.

He looked through the faces of them, one man smirking when he saw that Brooklyn had made eye contact with him. He knew he was the one who said it.

"How does it feel being the ugly member of the group?"

Rye quickly turned to face the man, anger evident in his eyes.

"Hey, what the fu-" He was cut off.

"Don't you ever say that about Brooklyn, he's beautiful!" A fan screamed.

"Yeah, who the hell do you think you are?" Another chimed in, stepping in front of the man.

With fear in his eyes, the pap scurried off, a couple of Roadies running after him.

Rye turned to his boyfriend expecting sadness to be written all over his face. But the boy was laughing.

Brooklyn grabbed his Rye's hand, shaking his head and giggling as they made the rest of the way to the store entrance.

Brooklyn took out his phone, and typed something that Rye couldn't see. Rye's phone buzzed, signaling that he got a notification. He took it out, seeing that it was a tweet from Brooklyn. When he saw what the tweet said, he smiled.

RoadTripTv: I really love our fans. -Brooklyn 🙊
*deciphered -  To discover the meaning of something written or said badly or in a difficult way.

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