RANDY | Because You're Sad So I'm Sad

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This takes place when both boys are in school. I don't know what age in all honestly, so you can choose. Also it's kinda inspired by Richie and Eddie from IT.
Where sensitive little Andy let's the bullies get to him and need his Rye so he can smile again.
Well there's bullying so if you feel triggered by that kind of stuff, don't read on. Also Andy is a little feminine in this.
Andy ran into the toilets and headed for the closest stall. He sat on the toilet seat in a fetal position. He gently moved his blonde fringe out of his face, as tears flooded down his now red cheeks. His vision was bury and he was shaking violently with every sob that racked his tiny body.

That's when he heard someone enter the room. He prayed to God that it wasn't Harry. A few seconds past when he heard Rye's soothing voice call out "Fovvs can you come out here please? I promise he's not here." Andy stood up and opened the stall door. He still couldn't see very well due to the tears threatening to spill but he was still able to Rye's lanky figure with his arms open, inviting Andy into one of his comforting cuddles.

Andy collapsed into the taller boys arms, and they both slide down on the floor against the wall. For once, Andy didn't complain about how unhygienic it is to be sitting on the restroom floor. He just needed his Rye Pie. "It's okay babes, don't worry. I won't let him hurt you again. Never again." Rye wispered, but Andy could hear the tremble in his voice.

They sat there, content in each others embrace until the end of the day when the bell rang. They both slowly got up and looked in the mirror. Both boys had bloodshot eyes, and Andy had mascara running down his little face. "Why were you crying Rye Rye?" Andy asked his boy. "Because you're sad, so I'm sad." Rye replied as Brooklyn and Mikey walked in.

"Woah whats wrong?" Mikey asked pulling Andy in for a hug and looking up at Rye in concern.

"Well Andy and I were getting changed after PE, thinking that we were the only ones in there because we decided to be slow so that we could chat, anyway I finished getting dressed and then went to the toilets next to the changing block. I came out after a minute or two and heard insults being yelled from inside the changing rooms, so I walked in and I saw Harry and his stupid friends yelling at Andy. Harry was about to hit And, when I stepped in and got beat up. When Harry got bored, I relized Andy wasn't in there so I went looking for him, and found him in here. Then for the rest of the day, we sat here and cuddled." Rye explained.

Brooklyn stood there with a horrified look, and Mikey looked as if he was about to kill someone, Andy noticed that and said "but Ryan found me, and now I'm fine."

They all left it as that as they all walked to meet Harvey in the car park, since he loved the furthest away, but only by a few blocks.

Rye and Mikey didn't want Andy to be alone that night, so Mikey invited the two boys to his. When they arived to Mikey's, the two taller boys let Andy pick out a movie to watch. He picked out Coroline and sat himself in Rye's lap whilst Mikey went to go make some popcorn.

After about five minutes, Mikey walked back in and smiled at the adorable scene in front of him, handing Rye a bowl of popcorn for him and Andy to share.

Halfway through the movie, Andy fell apleep, his head resting on Rye's lap. Carefully Rye lifted him up, placing him on the sofa. Mikey looked at the two boys in awe. "Right I'm going to go set up the spare room for you guys. Can you bring up yours and Andy's stuff please Rye?" Rye nodded and Mikey headed upstairs.

When Mikey came downstairs, he was met with a sight he wasn't expecting. Andy and Rye were both fast asleep on the sofa. Rye was holding Andy tightly and they both had small smiles on their faces.
The ending was a bit rushed if I do say so myself. I apologise for that! Hope you liked it anyway. - A x

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