Chapter One

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//welcome to another fanfic ! for some odd reason I get ideas for fanfics while doing things bag don't relate to what ever fandom a idea is for. (Example: I was watching bayblade when I got the idea for this one also speak now or forever hold your piece if you want a bayblade fanfic 😂) sooo Yeah vote/like? Comment?
"Sometimes you bleed for who you are
It's hard to love with a heart full of scars I won't feed into your dark
I'll keep loving with a heart full of scars You're never gonna keep me down, Doesn't really matter what you say I'm not living for yesterday
I'll figure out how to turn it around
I'm learning how to bend not break
A full life is give not take-"

"Violet! Violet Are you listening to me?" Miss Clouse, violets case worker asked as she reached over and pulled out a headphone from violets hear and frowned slightly "your doing it again honey we need to work on this."

Violet nodded her head quietly. "Sarry I just like music." She said quietly causing Miss Clouse to smile.

"I know honey but you need to listen. The Esquivel's are really nice people I happen to know them personally. They have a son about your age who's going to be going to the same high school as you the only difference is you'll be in the special education room full time except for lunch and side classes like art and vocal."

Violet sighed. "Last time there was a kid involved I didn't eat for almost a week." She muttered but was still loud enough for Miss Clouse to hear.

"This is different." Miss Clouse said with a small sigh.

"You said that last time."

Miss Clouse sighed as she pulled into the drive way of the Esquivel's. Once she put the small car in park she turned to the Thirteen year old who staired at her. "Work with me honey. This is your fifth foster home in less then two months I need you to at least try. I took the liberty of doing triple back ground checks on not just the parents but of their son to just to be safe."

Violet nodded but said nothing. Miss clause nodded as she realized violet decided to go silent something she often did when she was to nervous about something. Both got out of the car, Violet clutching her galaxy style back pack to her chest with both arms and Miss Clouse when had gone around to the trunk of the car to pull out a small duffel bag and a bag on rollers. She handed both to violet as soon as violet put on her backpack.

Both headed up to the front door. Violet dreaded even ringing the door bell but of corse Miss Clouse had made her just to help her get over her fears for at least a second. The door suddenly opened to revile Miss Esquivel who stood in front of them with a smile "Please come in." She said holding open the door for them.

Violet glanced at Miss Clouse in a silent plea to just leave then and there but of corse Miss Clouse lightly pushed her inside. "I can't stay to long I have another cause to pick up acutely. I'll leave you two now to get aquatinted." She turned to face violet. "Remember: at least try." She said then turned and headed back to the car, waved, and drove off. Violet knew then and there that it was going to be a long day.
Violet couldn't help but sigh to her self as she starred up at the ceiling of the room she was given by the Esquivel. If you didn't figure out well Violet was considered a 'foster child' due to past history with her parents which wasn't at all good as they had lost custody of her months before. Violet wasn't one to talk about things so her not speaking was soften a problem which only lead to several foster homes in the past six months as she was labeled 'none-workable' meaning Violet gave off little interest over things and never really spoke unless someone wore to talk to her first but even then it was rear to hear more then two sentences come out of her mouth. Her latest foster home happened to be with the Esquivel whom Mika didn't know but apparently they knew her and her case worker which was why she was being fostered by them. With yet another sigh Mika suddenly sat up. She stretched slightly then reached for her bag that she carried around with her eyver and was often refused to as her 'busy bag' as the bag contained things to keep her self entertained.

Why was it called her 'busy bag'? Well Mika often fidgeted or was bored easily so a way to keep her self entertained anywhere would involve her bag. Some how she manages to stuff Two winx club dolls, a coloring book and crayons, a small stuffed leopard that she had named 'clawdeen' after a monster high character and then of corse she had her favorite movies that she took along in her bag as when she was bouncing around from home to Home she would find her self sitting in a child protective services office where most of the time people would be nice enough to put a movie on for her as most in the child protective office did in fact knew her.  Violet looked around the room around her. The room was your standard bland room as the walls wore a cream color and the floor was a brown carpet. There was a bed in the middle of the far wall, a night stand right next to it on the left, a desk sitting underneath a window in the right corner, a dresser in another corner and of corse a small closet next to the door leading out of the room. Violet was told she would get to decorate it her self which she was existed for. Violet debated weather or not to go outside as there wasn't really anything todo as of right now. It was a Friday so Raf, her foster brother who she was told she would meet later, was in school. She wasn't told a lot about him as Miss Esquivel wanted them to meet and talk about them selves with each to help get to know each other how ever she was told he was in high school and was only twelve years old. Finally after a moment she picked up her bag- which was a mixture of different shades of purple, blue, pink, black, and even gold along with small little specks resembling stars on it not to mention the words 'I don't believe in humans' with a small alien type face printed in bold lettering on the front of the bag- and decided just to head outside after all outside had to be more interesting then this right?

Mika Yelled a quick exsplanation as to where she was going, which was the park that was down the street. ( she had seen it on their way to the house) She waited for the 'OK' from Miss Esquivel, once she got a yes she headed out the door. As Violet walked she past  by the strange colored vehicle (at least to her it was)  being as the car was a sports car and was a dark purple. She had never swam a car of that color before. she had also saw before when she first got into town. As she made  her way down the side walk she sang the chorus of 'wish now' from a Disney show called 'Star Darlings'. " Close our eyes Believe with all our might Spark a dream Light it up 'til it burns bright Nothing in the universe can knock us down We can have it all, we got each other now Oh oh oh oh Anything is possible Oh oh oh oh Every wish is magical" before she knew it she came to the intrence of the park. She was surprised now one was around buta s it was still early in the morning she wasnt really surprises.

Once into the park she found a big enough tree and began to climb it. For some reason violet always loved to climb thing weather it was a jungle-gym or even some type of structure. Some could only guess it had something tod with being high off the ground that made her feel safer while others would simply say she just liked to climb. To Violet she just liked to climb things for some reason. Mika carefully pulled her bag off her back and hung it on a small branch that was conviently right next to her. She opened her bag and took out her coloring book then a small box of crayons, she pulled out a random color then put the crayon box back into her bag for safe keeping.

Before the teen knew it she found her self growing hungry. She took out her phone and realized a few hours had gone by which didn't surprise her as she often found her self losing track of time when she was doing something. She put away her stuff, grabbed her bag, then jumped down off the tree and headed back to the Esquivel's house.

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