Chapter Three

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March 14-4 more days until violets Birthday.
"Your telling me that your foster sister told the school's jock off?"

"Totally! It was amazing!" Raf exclaimed as Arcee rolled her optics but still smirked.
It was now Sunday meaning the kids got to spend the day with the autobot's once again but optimus had gone out with bumblebee to scout out a energon mine that was near by the base which lead to there only being the three humans, Arcee, bulkhead, and Ratchet at the base.

"What did this Vince even do?" Acree Asked

"He teased her about her eye color. Said they wore unnatural because their violet." Miko exsplained.

"How are violet optics unnatural? Don't humans have all kinds of eye colors?"

Raf shook his head  "well yeah but never anything like Violet. I guess the most unusual eye color ever would be black but that's only because it's rear. You never see anyone with violet eyes." He said

Suddenly the ground bridge was activated and in drove Bumblebee and Optimus. Both transformed and headed off in different directions.

"It was aparent that the Decepticons got to the Energon mine before we did." Optimus said solemnly. It was growing rather difficult finding energon. "But we did pick up a faint signal of a unknown origin. We wore not able to pin point it's exact location but I have reasons to believe it's somewhere in Jasper."

"Jasper? What's a signal doing there?" Jack asked as he leaned slightly over the rails of the raised platform.

"Easy." Arcee began "could be a life signal or someone happened to find energon and decided to keep it as a suvaneir." She said

"If it is a life signal through.." ratchet began

"We will check it out. But as it is growing dark it is best to get the humans home." Optimus said

"Aww! Stupid time change!" Miko muttered. Spence time was pushed back it had been getting dark much earlier then it used to. "It's ounly five-thirty." Miko grumbled as she looked at her phone then walked down the stairs of the raised platform followed by the other kids.

"I should probably be home anyways, violet is sick and I promised my mom to check on her around now anyways." Raf said

"How is she sick? We just saw her the other day." Jack asked

Raf shrugged. "My Mom told me that she has a low immune system so she's gets sick way more easily then we do. That and she also has days where she feels week and where all she does is sleep so it could just be her sleeping to." Raf said with a shrug.

Ratchet turned from the cybertronian sized computer "never heated of human illness' like that." He muttered. Ever since the kids wore counted as office members of team prime he had taken the time to read up on common human illnesses Incase something ever happened. "or human optics being 'violet'" He added more so to him self.

That was all she could hear. For the longest time violet had no clue what was going on. It took her a moment to realize she had her head down but when she did she attempted to lift her head only to find it gently pushed back down to rest on what she guessed was a shoulder.

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