Chapter Two

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Same day-March 12-6 days before violets birthday
Once violet returned back home and walked through the door she was met with a smell that was pizza which made her a little excited at the thought of having decent food and not just a bunch of left over TV dinners. She headed into the kitchen and half exspected to see the food already gone and everyone in different rooms as she had seen so many other foster family's do this but instead she saw Miss. Esquivel and Raf sitting at the table eating.

To say she felt awkward as she sat down was a huge understatement.

The room was quit as she sat down. She sat there for a moment before Miss Esquivel gestured her to eat as she had been told what to watch for by miss Clause as she knew about violets past foster homes and what went on. Once violet saw she could eat she picked up a piece of pizza and ate it in silence. Once she was done she asked to be excused and quickly picked up her bag and left the room with a sigh of relief.
Raf starred after the nervous teen for a moment before turning back to his mother. "So that's what you meant by 'weird habits'." He said. Just before Violet had come in Miss Esquivel had been explaining to Raf about Violet. She told him a brief history lesson about violet (which ended up with him slightly upset at things she had to experience all of which won't good), things he shouldn't talk about around her Spence it often made her upset, and right before she came in, her 'habits' as they wore called even if they wore not actual habits, she would do since it had been drilled in her head to do these things. He didn't really believe the part about the habits she had until he actually saw her do one for him self. To him he couldn't imagine having to ask for food or even waiting just for an ok to eat. What surprised him through was how much she ate. One slice of pizza. Even he knew at her age she should be at least eating two-to-three slices of pizza!

Miss Esquivel nodded after a moment.  "I want you to talk to her at least try and be friends. I know being a foster child and moving from home to Home doesn't give a child enough time to make friends but I'm hoping she will be staying longer then her other homes. I want her to feel welcomed so do your best." She said

Raf nodded after a finishing up his last slice of pizza he stood up and headed to his room to drop off his school bag. He didn't head to base with bumblebee today as Miss. Esquivel made it clear she wanted him actually home today at least which meant bumble bee was at base with the other kids but would be back around night fall for look out during the night. It did make him a little upset that he couldn't play video games with bumblebee but then again he understood why his mother wanted him home (even if she didn't know the actual reason why as to why he was gone so much lately. She just assumed he was with his 'science fiction' club). He walked past Violets room then headed to his and dropped his bag off by the door then backtracked to violets room he heard the familiar song of 'I'm a lady' By Meghan trainer from her room. He knocked on the door then slowly opened the door and peered into the room to spot Violet sitting on the bed looking into a mirror. She had a makeup brush in one hand and was looking between a picture and a small portable mirror coping a make up look of what looked like to be some type of fairy. A makeup bag that was filled with different types of make up sitting open next to her. "So that's why my mom said that some people calls you Alta. Because of all the make up you have right?" Raf Asked as he stepped further into the room.

Violet jumped at the sudden voice before looking up and nodding the  going back to drawing small stars on her right temple with a liquid eyeliner.

"My name is Rafael but you can call me Raf. Raf said with a smile. "I was wondering if you wanted to come meet my friends at K.O burger? My friend Jack gets off work there in an hour."

Violet was yet still silent before finally speaking. "Sure. Let me just go and wash my face first." She said quietly. Raf nodded and headed out the door to wait for her by the front door.

Violet sighed as she put away her things quickly then took out some makeup whiles and quickly whipped the make up and glitter she had on her face off. She threw away the wipes then put on her jacket that was light and headed out the door to follow Raf.

When they got to K.O burger they saw Miko Nakadai, a fifteen year old Japanese girl who was galaxy waving at them then pointing to a couple of milk shakes. Violet followed Raf and ended up sitting next to the Japanese girl as Jackson Darby, or 'Jack' as he preferred to be called had sat down next to Raf before Violet could.

"So your the new girl who's living with Raf?" Miko asked causing Violet to nod. Miko pushes the smother cup towards her way and violet took that as a sign she could have it. She did hesitantly pick it up at first.

"I'm jack one of Raf's friends." Jack said smiling sheepishly

"Raf told me that you just got here today and-" jack began but was cut off

"Well well we'll look who it is. Little Jack and his friends but I see you have someone new." Vince, the school Jock stated.

Violet gulped as she grew nervous. She took a drink of her milk shake to help keep her self calm. She didn't want to lash out and ruin her chance of staying in Jasper after she promised her case worker she would try her best this time. She didn't want to even think about what family she would go to next or even worse. An orphanage.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing with someone like Jack?" Vince went on. When violet didn't say anything he continued "what? No words? Cat got your tung? What a freak." Vince said with a laugh causing what goon's he had around him to laugh also.

Mika looked down and turned away from him. "I'm not a freak." She said quietly but was yet still heard. Her hair fell into her face covering her face from view

"Says the freak with purple eyes." Vince challenged with yet another smirk on his face.

"Leave her alone Vince." Raf said looking between violet and Vince.

"oh yeah and what are you going-" Vince began but was cut off by violet.

"Their not purple." She said lifting her head up to stair at Vince "Their violet. Know your colors before you tell me what color my eyes are." She said. She put her now emptied Milk shake cup on the table then picked up her bag and walked past Vince. "I'll be at the house Raf." She called behind her as she walked out the door causing the small bell that was above the door to ring as she opened it.

"Man you just got told!" Miko exclaimed smirking.

Vince growled, his smirk now gone from view. "Who is she?!" He asked clearly angry and annoyed. When no one spoke he asked again this time louder then the last. "I asked who is she?!"

Nearly all heads in the restaurant turned to face the group of teens.

"There's no reason for you to know." Raf said suddenly

Vince growled. "Oh yeah? I'll find out who she is. And why she's living with the likes of you." He said his voice deathly calm as he looked at Raf He then walked away and out of the restaurant.

If Mika would have turned around as she walked down the sidewalk she would have noticed the bird like mini-con perched on a lamp post, starring at her.

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