Shopping Spree!

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We finally got to the mall and went in. We went to about all the stores we had at least 50 bags and alot of it was from Zayn picking things out for me.

"Here I like these ones" Zayn said as he picked out a pair of red and black high top adidas

"Me too" I smiled

"I think we got enough guys, you got like 20 pairs of shoes mostly high tops and like billions of clothes!" Niall whined

"I know Ni dont yell at me look at him!" I jokingly yelled pointing at Zayn

"Fine, she got enough then jeesh! Lets go to the food court and get nan-"

"NANDOS!!" Niall cheered and grabbed my hand pulling me through the mall, leaving Zayn behind with all the bags.

~1 hour later~

We arrived back home and all the boys came to help carry my things upstairs and put everything away since Harry, Louis, and Liam finished my room while we were gone. Then we went downstairs to the lounge to watch movies.

"Do you like your room Carrot?" Louis excitedly asked

"Its great I love it!"

Its huge with whitish and a laidback ice blue color and has windows surrounding it with a huge bed and a couple icish blue beanbag chairs surrounding a glass coffee table.

"Glad you like it Day" Liam said sitting next to me

"Coure LiLi" I said smiling at him

"So what are we watching?" Harry asked

"How about insidious 2?" Zayn asked sitting on the other side of me on the couch

"Sure!" we all said at the same time

I honestly love Zayn! not like that though I love him like a brother! Hes the first one I met and made me feel most comfortable here. I trust him most.

Zayn~ Thanks sis! I love you too my little sister

I looked over at him and he smiled at me and gave me a hug. Then I kinda zoned out again

I think I would say Louis and Niall are my two best friends here

I looked at them and they smiled at me but glared at eachother

Louis~ Thanks Carrot but I will be on top of that list! wha hahaha

Niall~ Nope!

Me~ Two are staying even!

I looked at them and smiled evily

Tbh im not very close with Harry and I might have feelings for Liam im not sure though. I looked at Harry and he had a pouty face and then at Liam and he had a huge grin on his face

Dont worry Harry once we hang out more we'll be closer! I thought smiling at him and he gave me a nod and a sweet smile back.

During the movie at one of the freaky parts I screamed and hid my face in Liams chest. He chuckled and put his arms around me protectively and whispered only for me to hear "Dont worry ill protect you beautiful" I looked up at him and blushed

In the middle of the movie I was feeling little sick and tired and woozy. I think I must of fainted and the dark came over me..

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